A 27-year-old man identified as Ricardo Mahadeo from Silk Cotton Dam, Zeelugt, East Bank of Essequibo, is now nursing injuries, after his sister dealt him several blows to his head with a bottle, before stabbing him with the broken bottle pieces.
According to police reports, Mahadeo left his residence around 12:00hrs on Tuesday and ventured to his aunt’s residence at Vergenoegen, East Bank of Essequibo, where, on arrival, he met his sister, her boyfriend and two other cousins and they began consuming alcohol.
During their “drinking session,” Mahadeo gave his sister $1,000 and instructed her to purchase ‘chaser’.
She returned after a few hours had passed, and upon her return an argument ensued between the siblings during which her boyfriend intervened as the peacemaker.
The victim informed police that his sister then picked up a bottle and dealt him a lash to the left side of his head causing him to receive injuries. He said that she also took a piece of the broken bottle and dealt him a stab to his chest causing him to receive further injuries.
The police were subsequently summoned to the scene where, upon arrival, Mahadeo was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, West Coast of Demerara where he was seen by a doctor on duty, treated and referred to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was admitted as a patient in stable condition.
Police reported that checks were made for the suspect but she was not contacted; however, her boyfriend was detained pending further investigations.