THE Government of Guyana is committed to providing housing to all eligible citizens of Guyana. Some 50,000 houselots are expected to be distributed over the five-year tenure of this current PPP/C administration, averaging 10,000 houselots per year.
There is nothing more empowering than owning a home. This is why the government is pursuing home- ownership in a serious and robust manner. Housing is considered a top national priority and significant budgetary allocations are set aside annually to make this a living reality.
There was a time under the previous PNC administration when owning a home was considered a distant dream. Except for the failed “Feed, Clothe and House’ the nation programme during the 1972-1976 period, nothing of any substance was done from a policy perspective by the previous administration to develop housing areas in the country. The ‘Feed, Clothe and House’ programme which had initially targeted the construction of 65,000 housing units, failed miserably and a mere 13,000 housing units were built and given out to those close to the then ruling party.
One consequence of that neglect was the unmet housing needs of thousands of Guyanese, many of whom were forced to resort to illegal squatting on state lands. Sophia was one such community. It remained one of the largest squatting areas in the country for several years until it was regularised by the PPP/C administration after it took power on October 5, 1992. Ever since, housing was made a top priority by the new administration, with tens of thousands of houselots given out in the several housing schemes scattered across the 10 regions of Guyana.
Not only did the PPP/C administration develop new housing schemes, but several fiscal arrangements were put in place to make it easier for homeowners to access mortgage financing and bank loans. The cost of building materials was also reduced by a significant lowering in customs and excise duties on building materials. Because of these interventions, the country is now experiencing a boom in the construction industry, reaching a stage where it is difficult to find enough persons with the requisite skills to meet the labour needs of an expanding industry.
As the country prepares for the new and expanding oil and gas economy, the need for adequate and suitable housing becomes all the more critical. Young professionals and persons with the requisite skills will be in increasing demand and it is important that certain incentives be put in place to encourage them to remain in the country and contribute to the exciting task of nation-building.
The Ministry of Housing has responded to this imperative by making available housing areas for young professionals. This is a commendable move. Young people must be given every assistance to advance both professionally and in their personal lives. The government has announced that 1,000 housing units for low-income earners and young professionals will be established. This is in addition to the 10,000 house lots earmarked for distribution this year. Under the “Dream Realised” initiative, the Housing Ministry has already allocated 3,600 houselots during the period August to December last year.
Further, $6 billion has been allocated to further advance infrastructural development in new and existing housing schemes, and an additional $1.5 billion allocated to continue with infrastructural works in Sophia, Diamond and Parfaite Harmonie housing schemes. And to facilitate easier access to those seeking to commence construction, a single-window approval system for construction permits will soon be implemented, which will considerably reduce processing time.
The PPP/C government is responding admirably to the housing needs of the Guyanese people. From all indications, it is the continuation of a success story set in motion since the restoration of democratic rule on October 5, 1992.