Get vaccinated against COVID-19, urges Medical Council

Dear Editor,

THE COVID-19 pandemic continues to devastate the world, both healthwise and economically. While we continue to recommend that persons follow the established guidelines of social distancing, hand-washing and wearing of masks, there is now the additional measure of vaccines to protect us. Vaccines help us to develop immunity which help us fight off infections.

Recently, the issue of using the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine has gained additional attention in the news and on social media. This particular vaccine was the first to be registered and while it is awaiting official approval of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the data surrounding its use is reassuring. Many countries (74 to date) have started using this vaccine based on evaluation of the data on safety, efficacy and availability. There is no reason to expect denial of approval for this vaccine from the WHO and other authorities in the coming weeks.

This is the same process that has occurred with all of the other available vaccines prior to WHO approval whereby countries have adopted a policy of “USE” pending approval after careful evaluation by their own technical team.
Guyana and its neighbours have the requisite technical expertise to analyse scientific data and make appropriate recommendations to our policy makers. This was the basis for using the various vaccines in Guyana – independent technical analysis of Risk versus Benefits.

All of the vaccines available in Guyana, including the Sputnik V, have a 100% record in preventing severe COVID-19 Infection defined as admission to ICU, needing ventilatory support or death. In fact, NONE of the 442 deaths recorded in Guyana were seen in fully (2 doses) vaccinated persons. There has been NO overwhelming adverse events reported worldwide for ANY of the vaccines used in Guyana to date.

Every person above the age of 18 is eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in Guyana, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. Persons with a history of severe allergic reactions should seek medical advice before considering the vaccines and are the ONLY group who may not be medically suitable.

Healthcare workers were among the first to benefit from the vaccination programme in Guyana and this has likely contributed significantly to reducing the adverse outcomes among the fraternity. The Medical Council of Guyana would wish that every resident of Guyana take advantage of the same protection as frontline workers and therefore urges our people to get vaccinated.

We are of the view that the BEST COVID-19 vaccine to take is the one that you have available right now.

Yours sincerely,

Medical Council of Guyana

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