Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues on Friday, engaged residents of Sophia, Greater Georgetown, encouraging them to seize the opportunity to apply for the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarships.
During meetings at the Sophia Primary and ‘C’ Field Nursery Schools, Minister Rodrigues said the delivery of the 20,000 online scholarships is the fulfilment of a manifesto commitment, to ensure quality education is distributed equally nationwide. A partner-initiative between the Ministries of Education and Public Service, the GOAL scholarship programme would be available over the next five years, with some 4,500 being awarded this year.

According to a release from the Department of Public Information, Minister Rodrigues said there is no excuse for not taking advantage of the scholarships, as provisions have been made to ensure persons who do not have the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) certificate benefit through the Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme.
“As a government, the entire Cabinet is putting all of this emphasis, attention, energy, resources and time… because we consider the importance of education and the importance of this scholarship programme. We understand the impact it will have on our population and on our country,” the minister was quoted by DPI as saying.
Minister Rodrigues said the government wants to ensure that no part of Guyana is neglected.
“Sophia is important to us and regardless of your race and regardless of your political affiliations, we are going to ensure that whatever programmes and policies we have as a Government, benefits all of Guyana.
“Because it’s not just about fulfilling promises, it’s about enriching lives, empowering the people of this country to benefit from the national development that will come to our country, that is what it is about….

“To create family wealth, for you to be examples for your children and your grandchildren, for you to raise the bar,” Minister Rodrigues added.
Further, the minister said that for many years professionals and well-trained resource personnel have left Guyana’s shores to seek employment in other countries. However, the Government is working to make that practice a thing of the past.
“We want to put an end to that. We want to ensure that no matter where you live, however remote that part of the country is, you must be able to remain and study and contribute to the development of your community and your country at large,” she said. The minister also urged the future scholars to persevere and be more aggressive in their efforts to obtain higher education.
Minister Rodrigues also encouraged residents to get immunised against COVID-19, noting that the people are the nation’s best resources, and will continue to be government’s priority.