THE High Court trial of Kevin Mohan called “Chucky”, who is accused of killing his aunt commenced on Thursday, March 04, before a 12-member jury.
Mohan, 27, formerly of Fifth Street, Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara, pleaded not guilty to the charge which alleged that, on September 4, 2016, at Cummings Lodge, he murdered 48-year-old Anita Mohan. The trial is presided over by Justice Navindra Singh at the Demerara High Court.
The trial commenced with the testimony of a police officer. It is scheduled to continue on Monday, March 8.
The battered body of Mohan was found on the floor of her kitchen at Fifth Street, Cummings Lodge where she lived with Mohan and her son, Intiaz Khan. Khan found his mother lying in blood with her head bashed in and a stab wound to her chest.
A bloody ‘rolling pin’, suspected to be one of the murder weapons, was found in close proximity, as well as a broken beer bottle. Police had noted that Mohan confessed to the murder, while admitting that another person acted as his accomplice.
A post-mortem performed on the remains of the woman revealed that she died from multiple injuries.
High Court trial of ‘Chucky’ commences