Young artist perfects stippling method in his creations
Stippling is the art form and/or technique of using small dots to create a drawing or painting. It creates a unique texture and look to every piece and amounts to a lot of time and patience. Erick Karamchand is a Guyanese artist that has perfected this art. He is ready to add a new perspective and form to the existing Guyanese art industry with his breath-taking talent. Eric’s inspiration for practising this art came from his curiosity. He was scrolling through his Instagram feed one day and came across a skilled stippling artist and has gained an interest to practice it himself. He explained that it was something he has never seen before and from that moment he knew it was going to be his style of art. He describes the art form as being somewhat “hypnotic”.
Karamchand stressed that his work isn’t the flashiest art around. It is not bright or colourful. He feels as though he is an underground artist who is now emerging into the industry. He describes himself as a quiet person and he tries to allow his artwork to speak for itself. He is a self-taught artist who has been drawing for most of his life. He attended the New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary and he has picked up on some techniques while studying Technical Drawing. He has also attended the New Amsterdam Secondary and it was here where he understood the technicalities of drawing. “I can remember enjoying colouring in Nursery school and in Primary school, my love for drawing increased. My friends and I used to draw a lot of cars and characters throughout the years. Eventually, I decided to compile a book with my drawings and ever since I’ve been continuously adding to my collection”, said Erick.
This stippling genius is also an educator. He has plans to become a qualified engineer in the future. He also wants to continue with his stippling artwork and he hopes to someday share his work with others. The COVID-19 pandemic is not holding Erick back from doing what he does best. He stressed that he has produced some of his best work yet during the pandemic and he does not have any plans to stop. He stated that his art has taught him patience. “One drawing usually takes 12 hours for me to complete. Some pieces even took me over 16 hours to complete. To see each piece come together is such a surreal experience. Along the road to completion, there are so many thoughts which usually lead to a shaky ride but waiting on it to play out is always worth the wait,” he said. Erick brands his artwork as “Dots Art”. He explained that it is a play on words based on stippling itself. Karamchand is grateful for his support system; his parents and God because without them, he would not have been blessed with the abilities he has.