AS Guyanese, we are compelled to understand the human worlds, thinking, culture and beliefs around us, to which ‘White Supremacy’ now back into the mainstream consciousness on TV and social media as part of the downside of the American elections, is one such state of mind. Like all human cultural and philosophical trends and doctrines, a volume of timelines are linked to its growth accompanied by various stages of metamorphosis which we cannot explore in any article, but rather in several books, if the interest and attention span permit. Michael Hill, a History professor who equates Yankees with fascists and black criminals with Hitler’s brown-shirted street thugs, is the founder of the ‘Southern League’ in the state of Alabama. One of the strange references came from a book quoted in the article by Grady Mc Whiney’s (a member of the Southern League) titled Cracker Culture, “asserts that the principal settlers of the antebellum South emigrated from the English uplands and Celtic regions of Britain-Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Cornwall. These people were anti-English herdsmen, Mc Whiney writes, living woodsy lives and given to loquacity, music, wanton pleasures, indolence, and most tellingly no violence. The Civil War, he argues, was not so much about the plantation system and slavery, or even economics, as it was a clash between two cultures-the Anglo-Celtic South and the North, which had been settled by English lowlanders and others, such as Germans — a different, far more regimented breed. This is the historical cloth that Hill uses as the piecing for his political dream work.” –Article by John Keeble-June 11, 1996 Village Voice NY NY.

The irony of the white supremacist culture is the Bible — both new and old testaments — that they vow and boast that they adhere to. The Bible to meet the appeasement of slavery and to transcend the edict of verse 16: chapter 21 of Exodus-“And he that stealeth a man and selleth him, or is he found in his hand shall surely be put to death.” So the biblical narrative went through rigged interpretations and concept adjustments, relegating all discourse from a didactic position of priest to audience. Centuries ago, Rabbis interpreted and embellished text and the Trans-Atlantic enslaving world adopted the propaganda that suited them to this day, to create the Noah Curse, despite the recognition of its mythology, plus the realisations of ancient Stock Propaganda, that emerged from the religious civil war in Khemet that birthed the Hebrew nation. How could the White Christian Supremacist not recognise that the entire biblical narrative happened on the African continent, and in so doing question the legitimacy of their hatreds and entitlement contentions? For those interested in this research, see African American Life and the story of Nimrod edited by Anthony B. Pinn & Allen Dwight Callahan- and Noah’s Curse by Stephen R. Haynes.

I remember a cartoon in a magazine years ago with a wanted poster on a wall with an Afro-American image captured in it, and two white Americans dressed in rural farm clothing. Looking at the poster one turned to the other pointing to it and said in the caption, “See they’re getting all the important jobs.” The cartoon highlighted ignorance, irrational stereotypical bigotry and anger and envy at a perception of progress by the other, to whom a custom of ridicule has become entrenched. In the mentioned article by ‘John Keeble’, culture is important and a source of critical examination as the writer found out in his discussion with Michael Hill who contended, “They make fun of my religion, they make fun of my culture.” The ridicule he condemns, and with justification, is the drumbeat of demeaning caricatures of white Southerners in the media and film of the last 30 years:” [article pub. in 1996] what America has going for it however is the capacity to address the options for change where ever it is required, through laws and an aggressive edutainment industry, knowing that as the writer said people are quick to retreat to familiar fears and point at likewise familiar scapegoats, historical and religiously defined scapegoats. Guyana can learn from the informed macrocosm still unfolding in the US of A, and the insights provided by the article mentioned, that not all contentions are rooted on the current stage, previous cultural and social experiences that led to states of psychosis do not depart on fresh ground but can be transferred and contextualised into the new platform. The Southern League is just one of the WSGs involved. There are the extreme Aryan nations, the KKK etc. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke has written two books on the subject, “The Occult Roots of Nazism” and “Black Sun” that are current references; also relevant is an older title ‘Trevor Ravenscroft ‘The Spear of Destiny’.

The essence of race-hate conflicts will dawn upon any social researcher, media, academic or interested citizen. That religion and cultural falsifications are at the foundations of these conflicts, with the communists, leader idolatry replaces God, so it’s back to square one. The conclusion will be arrived at, that the same mediums used to facilitate the cult hate-movement, once aware of their modules, similar corrective mechanisms can be applied to counter their hold on the active and subconscious imagination.

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