THE Moraikobai village in Region Five has recorded a significant increase in the number of persons who tested positive for the virus, COVID-19, and health authorities are currently trying to mitigate the further spread of the virus in that village. According to the ministry’s COVID-19 Dashboard for January 12, Region Five recorded 35 new cases, taking the total number of cases recorded in the region to 148. On Tuesday, Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony said that 33 of those positive cases were recorded in Moraikobai. These tests were garnered from a total of 71 tests done there, and Minister Anthony said that health officials will be going back into the village to conduct further testing.
“We are hoping that we can get more cooperation from the village council and other members of the community because we need their cooperation and collaboration so that we can increase testing,” Dr. Anthony said during his daily COVID-19 update with the Department of Public Information (DPI). He also indicated that additional measures would have to be put in place to mitigate further spread of the virus, and that a medical team may have to stay on site if the number of cases continues to rise. Previously, when spikes in the number of positive cases were recorded in communities, restrictions on travel in and out of the communities were put in place. Such was a measure employed to curb the spread to other communities and persons.
Since the reopening of schools last week Monday, Dr. Anthony also indicated that about 45 students and 13 teachers, at dormitory facilities across the country, have tested positive for COVID-19. This means that an additional 15 students have tested positive. Additionally, some 13 other staff members at the dormitory facilities have also tested positive.
All of these individuals are being isolated, either in institutional isolation where possible or in separate areas in the dormitories where there are no closeby facilities for institutional isolation. Here, Dr. Anthony said, much emphasis is placed on abiding by safety protocols.
There are dormitories in Regions One, Two, Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine and 10. There have been cases recorded in all of these regions but the students who are in isolation are being provided with their worksheets to continue with their school work as per normal.
The exercise of testing students returning to dormitories is an ongoing one and the number of students, teachers and other staff who test positive may increase. Minister Anthony advised that persons continue to take all necessary precautions, even when they are away from school as these individuals were during the Christmas vacation.