THIS has no doubt been a tumultuous year filled with uncertainties, disappointments, losses and setbacks. Of course, it has not been all bad- as we are taught to remain thankful for even the smallest wins amidst the chaos. The same can be said for those on the Pepperpot team, having experienced challenges while navigating this ever-changing environment. Below are some sentiments shared by a few writers and columnists from our team as we close this year off and wait to see what the new year brings.

Jasmaine Payne, Editor, Feature Writer
What a year! I can’t decide whether it was bad or good, but it will surely be a year to be remembered. I had my own trials to overcome due to the Coronavirus and other distractions. But despite uncertainties that lingered, I had an amazing support system that saved me from many difficulties and I was also able to enjoy certain achievements in my academic and personal life. I think the biggest lesson I have learnt is the importance of being patient and grateful. On behalf of the Pepperpot Team, I wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year and urge you to remember that amidst the bad, there will always be good, so never forget to acknowledge that.

Vishani Ragoobeer, Columnist, Big Little Voice
Reflecting on the year gone by is an overwhelming experience. I don’t know of anyone who expected 2020 to go the way it did, whether globally (a whole pandemic!) or locally (a political epidemic!). For me, there are so many highlights, challenges, and lessons I’m yet to fully appreciate. One thing is certain, however: 2020 has shown me that each day, my goal should be to try my best regardless of what I’m confronted by. And I think that it is important for each of us to remember this, as we continue to navigate the world of uncertainties. Happy Holidays!

Michel Outridge – Pepperpot Feature Writer, Focus on the Village
The novel Coronavirus found us unprepared to face the challenges that the virus brought but we had to adapt to changing our routine, work remotely and submit to a curfew. It was very challenging working remotely since I did not have a desk or a suitable chair to accommodate my laptop. Eventually, I challenged myself to become disciplined and it has since been working out well for me. These days, when I have to go to a village weekly, I get a kind of phobia about COVID-19 but when the realisation of earning hits me, I am reminded that I still have to work. I know for sure, every one of us has had to adjust our lives and routines to cope with the virus and we had to do it quickly and it has been difficult for many of us, who continue to overcome these challenges. However, I would to extend season’s greetings to all, especially, our readers and wish everyone a Happy New Year, as we look forward to your continued support in 2021.

Dillon Goring – Pepperpot Feature Writer
The joy is mine to wish the readers of the Pepperpot and their families, a joyous Christmas Season. This year, I have enjoyed bringing to you stories that serve to stir your interest in the significant strides and achievement our country has gained during the year. The comments that I have received both personally and publicly have served to inspire me to enhance my quality of writing and to produce nothing but my best in bringing quality stories to you going forward.
On behalf of my family and I, a blessed season and a productive 2021 to you all.

Maureen Rampertab- Columnist, Fables of a Wandering Mind
My motto at the dawn of the year was, “Striving with deeper passion, vibrant enthusiasm and greater self-confidence in achieving my goals.” I hoped this year would rock with greater successes for me in the literary landscape. I somewhat felt excited about 2020 then something unprecedented happened. An unseen killer virus from Wuhan, China brought doom and death to the world. Life was suddenly put on hold, my creative thoughts froze, my pen hovered over my notebook, gripped by fear and uncertainty, and I wondered,
“Is this world going to die?” But life for me is a celebration of love, laughter and warm thoughts, so my hopes and enthusiasm did not completely dissipate. There was still a glow that I felt could burst into a symphony of colours, bringing renewed hopes and enthusiasm to life in the new year of 2021. Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year.

Marissa Foster- Columnist, Youth Perspective
The year 2020 will probably be at the back of our minds in years to come. Everyone had their fair share of tribulations and the same can be said for writers like myself. Perhaps, the most challenging experience of 20202 was being forced to distance myself from the people and places that gave me the inspiration to work and write. Nonetheless, I was able to adapt and readjust myself to this new era and I urge you all reading this to do the same. The COVID-19 virus will most likely stick around in the year 2021 but at least we can use our experiences and lessons learned from this year to make the new one better for us and those around us.