THE Ministry of Health, on Saturday, said it had recorded 70 new positive cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), taking the total number of cases since March 11 to 4,794.
According to the Ministry, the cases were recorded in Region One (seven cases), Region Two (two cases), Region Three (one case), Region Four (48 cases), Region Six (one case), Region Seven (five cases), Region Eight (three cases) and Region 10 (three cases).
No new deaths were recorded during the 24-hour period but nine persons remain in the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Additionally, 48 persons are in institutional isolation, 36 in institutional quarantine and 874 in home isolation.
Thus far, there have been a total of 24,411 persons tested for COVID-19, and out of the 4,794 positive cases, 3,725 persons have recovered.
The updated COVID–19 Emergency Measures (No. Eight) will expire on November 30, 2020, unless earlier terminated, extended or amended by notice of the Minister of Public Health after an assessment of the prevailing public health conditions of the pandemic.
As per these measures, all persons are required to wear face masks when leaving their homes. Physical distancing and adequate sanitisation are also important. The curfew is now 22:30 hours to 04:00 hours.
Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to call the COVID-19 hotline numbers 231-1166, 226-7480 or 180/181 for assistance.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly-discovered coronavirus. Most people, who fall sick with COVID-19, will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.
There are, however, vulnerable groups such as persons with underlying conditions and elderly patients, who may develop the severe forms of the disease.