— centre warns against practice, offering rewards to locate perpetrators
THE Iwokrama International Centre has issued a stern warning against illegal activities within the reservation, following the discovery of illegal mining operations, not only in the centre’s protected forest but also within its one-kilometer buffer zone.
Iwokrama, in a release, said the illegal activities would be subject to the application of the law, inclusive of penalties outlined in the Iwokrama Act.
As part of a planned programme of monitoring and enforcement, Iwokrama staffers, along with full support from the Ministry of Natural Resources Corp of Wardens and the Guyana Police Force, in the week of October 16, 2020, witnessed more intrusions of illegal mining operations.
According to the release, these operations happened not only in the Iwokrama protected forest, but also in the one-kilometer buffer zone on the other side of the Siparuni River.
These activities, the centre believes, are being perpetuated by individuals taking advantage of the current restrictions and lockdown protocols established to combat the COVID-19 virus.
“The centre would like to, once again, remind the public and other stakeholders that these activities are not allowed in the Iwokrama Forest, unless the centre gives express written permission for any of these activities to be undertaken,” the release said.

Section 2 of the clause titled “Control of the Programme Site” of the Iwokrama Act states:
“Subject to section 6 (1), and notwithstanding anything in any other written law –
(a) no mining, forestry or other resources utilisation activity shall be carried out on the Programme Site by any person other than the Centre, except with the prior written permission of the Centre; and (b) no lease of land or permission to use land in the Programme Site shall be issued by any person other than the Centre, and all activities on the Programme Site shall be in accordance with regulations prescribed therefor under this Act.
Section 3 of the Act prescribes penalties.
“Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (2) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of one hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a period of one year, and where the offence is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.”
In September 2019, a miner was arrested for illegal mining in the Iwokrama forest and was placed before the courts. In May 2020, two ‘four inch’ dredges were found, although no one was apprehended. Last week, the team noted even more significant damage and clear indications of preparations for further mining in the forest. The team also noted the burning of large trees, no doubt to aid in felling to enhance mining activity.
Due to the unexpected nature of the operation, the team found itself targetted by gunfire from miners who quickly scampered away into the forest. One arrest was made and the person is before the courts, the centre said.
In the buffer zone, miners claimed, as they often do, that they did not realise that they were in the one-Km buffer zone and that they received approval to be there following a deal with a miner that had claim at the location.
Iwokrama noted that, in that case, there was an excavator and small dredges working the area and the illegal operators were given two days to remove from the area as there was absolutely no mining allowed in the buffer zone.
“Iwokrama has spent enough time and resources on education and awareness with regard to these illegal activities. As such, Iwokrama management is continuing its zero-tolerance approach to these activities, especially gold mining and other illegal activities. With the recent support including the acquisition of the high-tech drone funded by ExxonMobil, monitoring and enforcement operations will be scaled up and the Minister of Natural Resources and the Guyana Police Force have given their full support towards stamping out these illegal activities,” the release said.
The Iwokrama team also noted that there were several persons fishing in the buffer zone of the Iwokrama Forest, some claiming to be engaging in sport fishing, yet large seines were encountered within waterways in the Iwokrama protected area, even after being told by some of these fisherfolk that they had placed no seines in the area.
In this regard, Iwokrama is reminding fisherfolk that the protected area buffer also applies to them and commercial fishing is prohibited in the buffer zone as well.
Meanwhile, the centre is offering a reward for any information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of persons(s) involved in illegal activities in the Iwokrama Forest.
“For further information on the management of the Iwokrama Forest and to report any illegal activities in the forest, please contact only Dr Raquel Thomas, Director Resource Management on rthomas@iwokrama.org.,” the release concluded.