Child Development Quiz

IF you have children, or work with or around them, how much do you know about their development? Apart from the obvious, they grow and eventually learn to do things for themselves; there is so much more going on, that if we blink, we are likely to miss something. Try our quiz and see how many questions you answer correctly, and then read what your score indicates about your knowledge.

1. A newborn baby’s stomach at birth can hold:
a) 3 oz. of fluid
b) A saucer full of fluid
c) A marble-size amount of fluid

2. Babies appear to have cold hands and feet during the first few weeks of birth because:
a) Their circulation is poor
b) Because they need socks and some warm gloves
c) They are used to the warmth of the womb

3. At what age can children regulate their emotions and talk about their feelings?
a) From 18 months onwards
b) Between 2-3 years’ old
c) Between 4 -5 years’ old

4. Children can develop a healthy self-esteem even before they can talk based on:
a) The number of toys and presents they receive
b) How often their siblings play with them
c) The positive things that parents tell them

5. What is the earliest age that a girl or boy can start puberty?
a) Aged 6 for the girl and 8 for the boy
b) Aged 8 for the girl and 9 for the boy
c) Aged 9 for the girl and 10 for the boy

6. During pre-adolescence (age 9-14) why should parents work to keep channels of communication open?
a) So their children would continue to confide in them during adolescence
b) So children can hear stories of when they were young
c) So children will realise parents come first

7. It is natural for adolescents to spend more time with their friends than their parents because:
a) Parents have different interests to children
b) Friends are more exciting than parents
c) Adolescents are transitioning into adults

8. Children gain more from watching TV programmes with adults because:
a) Parents can use programme content as teaching opportunities
b) Children tend to watch less TV when adults are present
c) Children talk to adults during the programme when they are present

9. Young people become very self-conscious between the ages of 13-15 because:
a) They think everyone is looking at them
b) Their hormones make them self-conscious
c) Increased oxytocin in the brain makes them self-conscious

10. Adolescents are more emotional than adults because:
a) Adults have forgotten how to be emotional
b) Adults use a different part of their brain to adolescents
c) Adults don’t understand what it’s like to be young

11. Children WILL discuss sexual development with their peers because:
a) They need to get all the facts first-hand
b) Curiosity is a natural part of their development
c) They rely on their peers for accurate information

12. At what age is the rational part of a teenage brain fully developed?
a) 15 – 17 years’ old
b) 19 – 20 years’ old
c) 25 – 26 years’ old

ANSWERS: 1 (C) Babies stomachs are small at birth but expand to the size of an egg by the 10th day. 2 (A) Babies have poor circulation at birth, but as they start moving around, they warm up naturally. 3 (B) From 4 – 5 years old a child can describe the way he is feeling, and recognise his emotions, such as happy, angry or sad. 4 (C) Parents can help to build children’s self-esteem from very young. ‘that’s a good boy’ ‘you’re doing very well, keep going, you can do it’. Words of encouragement, and a show of appreciation, whether the child succeeds or not, can be supportive.

5 (B) The average age that puberty starts are 11 years old for a girl and 12 years old for a boy, but some girls start puberty before the age of 8 and some boys before the age of 9. When children start puberty so early, it is called ‘precocious puberty’. 6 (A) Parents need to stay close and develop a trusting relationship with their pre-adolescent child. A smooth transition into adolescence should follow. The child should have a safe place to return to, whatever the world throws at him.

7 (C) Children share more intimate details with their peers and become more secretive as they become adolescent. It is all part of becoming an adult. 8 (A) Children learn more from the TV when a parent or adult is there to help them understand and put into perspective what they are seeing and learning. 9 (C) Teenagers (13 – 15 years old) become self-centred when oxytocin is increased in the brain. 10 (B) Adolescents use the emotional part of their brain (limbic system) while adults use the more rational part (prefrontal cortex). 11 (B) Parents should discuss sexual development with their children, so they receive accurate information. 12 (C) The rational part of an adolescent’s brain is not considered fully developed until the age of 25.

SCORE: 12 – 12 Brilliant! You have a varied knowledge of child development
10 – 8 Well done! But you need to brush up on our skills
7 -5 Good Try! You have learnt more information today
Less than 5 – Try again, see if you can get all the answers right this time.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, call the CPA hotline on 227 0979 or write to us at


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