– hardware stores report increased sales in tools, other equipment
By Rabindra Rooplall
THE global COVID-19 pandemic has forced thousands of people into unemployment, and with no stable income to take care of their families, many turned to gardening – an area that was largely ignored and stigmatised.
It is now one of the key areas geared at revitalising economies around the world as the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables is on the increase.
As a matter of fact, local hardware stores, between the months of March and July 2020, also reported an increase in sale for tools and hardware supplies as consumers in self-isolation used their time to complete home improvement projects.
As a result of worldwide shutdowns and curfews, there was a surge in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) gardening as consumers found new ways to improve their living space and keep themselves entertained during isolation.
“Vegetables and citrus plants were the ones in demand for about four months straight and then things cooled down as things retuned to normalcy,” Horticulturist, Phulmattie Budhram told the Sunday Chronicle.
Budhram manages her plant shop at Agriculture Road Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara.

Budhram said things have since slowed down but her grafted fruit plants are always in demand since mini mature trees only need small space to grow.
For persons picking up the tools of the trade for the first time, getting started seems daunting, but, as the Horticulturist would say, the hard work in the beginning really pays off in the end.
Budhram emphasised that no one needs to be a farmer to reap the benefits of homegrown produce; it can all start from the comfort of a sunny window and a bit of extra time and anyone is capable of growing a few vegetables and fruits at home.
She explained that plants need care and there is no such thing as a low maintenance plant, because gardens only bloom when time is invested in them.
Budhram advises that the humid environment is great especially if someone has his/her own greenhouse. However, she said aspiring gardeners should use potting soil and check on their plants every day while all weeds should be removed.
She explained that plants, like people, are less immune to disease and insects and they should receive adequate amount of sunlight, care and nutrients to their roots.
When planting is done indoor, Budhram explained that all plants require well-draining soil, which means a pot with holes in the bottom is needed and some small stones in the bottom of the pot before adding soil to let water drain through the stones.
The Horticulturist said while each plant may grow best in a slightly different soil environment, an all-purpose potting soil is suitable for a variety of growing purposes.
Some of the plants Budhram recommends can be grown at home include: tomatoes, cucumber, all varieties of pepper, callalu, broccoli, eschalot and grafted lime and lemon.
As part of Agriculture month and ‘plant a tree initiative’, the businesswoman said she is distributing hundreds of seedlings and plants free of cost to persons who visit her shop this month.
Budhram, a mother of four, also loves sharing her knowledge freely about the process involved in planting fruit trees, flower trees, vegetables, peppers, spices, coconut trees and many other plants.