Inconclusive autopsy for toddler fed `Molly’ milk -uncle being sought
Ronaldo Dave Favourite
Ronaldo Dave Favourite

THE autopsy conducted on the body of two-year-old Ronaldo Dave Favourite, who reportedly died after ingesting milk laced with drugs, was inconclusive.
This is according to Regional Commander, Simon McBean, who, on Friday, also informed that samples were taken from the body for testing to determine how Favourite died.
Further, he said, the investigation surrounding the child’s death is still ongoing and police are currently looking for his uncle.
On September 25, Favourite, of ‘C’ Field Sophia, died at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, weeks after he was reportedly given milk laced with Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), commonly known as Molly.

Favourite was left in the care of his relatives after his mother died on August 23, 2020.
On September 5, the toddler was rushed to the hospital in an unresponsive state suffering from the methamphetamine intoxication.
On September 7, Favourite’s 25-year-old aunt was arrested after it was reported that the toddler was in her custody when he consumed the drug-laced milk.
However, the woman was released. She was then re-arrested after the child died.

While being questioned by the police, the woman reportedly told the police that it was her younger brother who mixed the substance into milk which the toddler later consumed.
She was released after questioning.


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