ACTOR Amitabh Bachchan has shared a touching story from his youth, in a recent episode of the game show Kaun Banega Crorepati. When a contestant recalled how his family was having a difficult time financially, Amitabh told him the story of when he wanted to join the school cricket team, but couldn’t afford it.
The contestant, named Jai Kurukshetra, told Amitabh that during his childhood, he had wanted to buy himself a snack for Rs 7 (one rupee is currently G$2.85), but his mother could only afford to give Jay Rs 5. Amitabh then shared a personal anecdote with Jai and the audience. He recalled that when he was a child, he’d wanted to join the school cricket team, but needed Rs 2 to do so. His mother, Teji Bachchan, told him that they did not have the money.
Amitabh said that the incident taught him an important lesson. “I still remember the importance of Rs 2,” he said. The actor also revealed that he was fond of photography, and his father, poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, bought him a camera on his first trip to Russia. It was when Amitabh had already become an actor. But he still has the camera, which is a prized possession of his. “The value of these things stay with us all our life,” he said.
Amitabh returned as host of Kaun Banega Crorepati for the show’s 12th season on Monday. The actor has hosted all but one season of the show — the third, which was hosted by Shah Rukh Khan. After having recovered from the coronavirus recently, the actor jumped right back into work on KBC 12, which is being shot under strict guidelines. (Hindustani Times)