In its previous article, the Protected Areas Commission (PAC) spoke to the National Protected Areas System (NPAS) and the intention to strengthen its management. This week the focus is on the PAC’s Strategic Plan which guides its work in managing the National Protected Areas System. The work of formulating the plan began in December of 2014 and gave birth to ‘Protected Areas Commission Guyana – Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020’.
The strategic plan serves as a guide or a road map for PAC to carry out its mission of effectively managing our National Protected Areas while ensuring that they continue to add value to the lives of present and future generations and to achieve its ambitious vision of a world class National Protected Areas System in Guyana that protects nature and improves lives. The Protected Areas System contributes towards conservation of Guyana’s natural heritage.
This plan, which has guided the work of the PAC over the past six years, is due to be reviewed and updated in keeping with more recent developments and any new National policies developed but will continue to guide PAC’s work until it is replaced.
The current strategic plan sets out the four key strategic areas of work: Administration and Management; Finances; Stakeholder Involvement and Benefits; and Awareness, Education and Outreach.
Administration and management is, of course, crucial for managing the national protected areas system. Key activities in this area include meeting staffing needs, improving administrative systems. Also key is conducting research and ecological monitoring to inform management of the protected areas. Ecological monitoring programmes have been developed for all of the hinterland protected areas. Planning and adaptive management is also important and related to this is developing various plans such as tourism and infrastructure plans as well as monitoring the effectiveness of National Protected Areas System management activities.
The establishment of Infrastructure and Procurement of equipment are all necessary for effective management of the Protected Areas System. Human resources are also of a major area highlighted in the Strategic Plan and PAC has fully undertaken this task; hiring and training staff, improving administration systems through updating Human Resource policies, improving planning and reporting systems and most important, improving staff working conditions, motivating staff and building morale.
Finances are a major area of focus in our strategy as the plan could not be implemented without the necessary funding. Improving financial management systems and procedures as well as mobilising resources are important for ensuring financial sustainability of our National Protected Areas System – the newest system in the Latin America and Caribbean Region. While the Commission seeks funding from other partners to implement important measures and projects, Government’s funding of the Commission’s operating costs continues to be crucial. The Commission is currently implementing a project funded by German Government through the German Development Bank (KfW) that will see the construction of key infrastructure in three of the protected areas: Kanuku Mountains Protected Area (KMPA); Kaieteur National Park and Shell Beach Protected Area as well as the procurement of important equipment. The establishment of Infrastructure and Procurement of equipment are all necessary for effective management of the Protected Areas System.
Benefits and partnerships are imperative in successfully achieving our mandate and vision. The objective of this strategic area is to encourage stakeholder support for management of the National Protected Area System while improving benefits for present and future generations. In this regard, the Commission has been building relationships with state and other agencies and engaging stakeholder communities around the Protected Areas. The Commission has also been working on initiatives to support livelihood development in the communities. Site level Committees that include representation from the stakeholder communities have been established but their first meetings have been constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic. In another article we will focus on our partners which are many.
Awareness, education and outreach is another important area of PAC’s strategy and work. Public education efforts have been on-going with nature camps, school tours, the development of awareness and education material such as brochures and posters and even this ‘It’s in our nature’ column, all towards enhancing public knowledge and increasing national pride in Guyana’s protected areas.
As we conclude this week’s column, we would like to share with you our core values:
* Transparency: We promote an open organization that is accountable to its stakeholders
* Commitment: We guarantee to continue undertaking activities demonstrating passion, pride and dedication at all times
* Inclusiveness: We value and respect diversity and contributions from all stakeholder, and will treat each person in a professional manner that reflects our values
* Innovation: We seek to develop novel ideas using international best practices to respond to changing environments and stakeholder needs
* Integrity: We act morally, ethically and with honesty at all times
* Results: We work proactively to produce prompt and effective results
These are the values that guide how we do our work as seek to manage, maintain, promote and expand our Nation’s National Protected Areas System