The Guyana Police Force again under the microscope

Dear Editor,

GUYANA, well in its fourth “honeymoon never begun” ambitious week, is basking with the freshness and relief from an impoverished and treacherous five months siege from the heartless APNU+AFC Party. Perhaps, that is the best part of life if at all, knowing that Guyanese do not have to deal with the cabal and the rigmarole nonsense of the election recount result, for, that is a closed chapter. Is the election petition “water on a duck’s back” and, where is the loud mouth call to “bring it on?” The country is bankrupt and the new government has to perform miracles to financially manage the economy and deal with the COVID-19 repercussions.

Guyanese cannot expect to return to a normal life style overnight and still need to depend on the generosity from all sources in order to survive daily. There is no immediate relief valve to control the perpetration of criminal activities; there is no safe mesh to cushion the road incidents; there is no prevention from family violence which is insanely unavoidable; the school children are uncertain about the guaranteed educational facilities to be implemented, whether in school or in-house, virtually; there is no immediate financial incentives for a number of needy families; there is no job assurance for quick employment opportunities and there is no promise that Guyana will have a white Christmas either. Like it or leave it, the choices are limited and chances are, Guyanese will have to suffice and bear the pain a little longer than expected, thanks to the compliments of the departed caretaker who was ruthless enough not to cater to the interest of the nation or the people but to his party and its members. A medal of honor should be given to Mr. Granger for his valor in crime and punishment to the oppressed people of Guyana.

As the daily news are trying to keep abreast with all the anomalies and miscreants from the previous administration, monitoring the latest discovery in embezzlement, misappropriation, corruption and collusion become more pronounced, baffling and unbelievable. No Guyanese, not the man in the street nor in the high society, by no stretch of the imagination, had any clue as to what was taking place in the public service and the extent of government’s preposterous and sinister transactions. Their crooked activities have such a damaging effect on the economy that the raping of the Treasury to bankrupt the nation and create so many humongous overdrafts seemed as if there was a well deliberate and premeditated plan to defraud the sweat of the poor Guyanese people from their hard earnings and make them suffer more.

It is not the public servants who will feel the blunt of the pain because their bread is well buttered from guaranteed salaries. All the former ministers and political appointees have no headaches because of their high pay packets and allowances and perks. It is the ordinary citizens who are jobless, penniless, voiceless and sightless from both sides of the electorate who are badly hurting and a number of them too ashamed to identify themselves any longer as supporters of the villainous group that demitted office. Now that the APNU+AFC Party is not in government, there goes all the promises, bluffs, lies, deceits and propaganda. What will this party tell their supporters now, to hold strain and breath, keep your knuckles and toes crossed and tighten your waists and belts, that they’ll be back to take care of all the unfulfilled pledges and commitments, maybe in another twenty-five years? Who in their right sense will ever believe any word spoken by the APNU+AFC Party or accept their assurances or place their trusts in good faith or swear by their pledges or ever again be fooled by their vows and oaths? Of course, there is always the die-hard and the irrational in a limited capacity and capability who will again fall for the trap.

The Guyana Police Force again came under the microscope last week and many watchful eyes observed more anomalies that lend criticism for controversies. Their handling (mishandling) of the former Sports Director, Christopher Jones, 1:00 AM house search without a warrant and arrest for simple larceny, provided food for potential political mischief and an early intervention by the newly-appointed Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn. Is it too early to ask if there is any follow up to the case of the 65 missing traffic lights solar panels that disappeared in broad daylight and in view of the public’s eyes (in front Parliament Building too)? What about all those 31 expensive street lights that also disappeared? Mischief is sure a foot at the Ministry of Public Works and Minister Edghill needs to put his foot down and demand answers from the relevant authorities responsible before he goes to work one morning and discovers all the assets from his ministry disappeared into thin air! The atrocious police escapade at the Ashmin’s Building election fiasco needs to be investigated. Is the police still protecting Lowenfield and not Madam Chair? Charging food hamper distributors in Berbice for COVID-19 violation and not APNU+AFC Party protesters in Georgetown is questionable and discriminative. Perhaps, there is need to really rock the boat with the Police Force and not only shake the cradle.

Jai Lall

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