By Naomi Parris
A law enforcement officer who works at the Anti-Narcotics Unit At the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is creating much spark on the local scene with his small business as he has been providing jobs and mentorship for several young men who reside in depressed rural communities.
Twenty-five-year-old Nayman Gill who is also a youth activist told the Pepperpot Magazine that he took notice of the number of young men who were out of a job during the chaos of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and he felt the need to take action.

The young man birthed a lawn and environmental care service called OGN Superb which offers, lawn mowing, land clearing, drainage cleaning and other services.
“I started to think about those who were depending on persons who are working to get a little money from and I started to think what I can do to help out during the midst of this [pandemic],” he said.
He added, “I thought how I can generate income while at the same time help the unemployment rate during this COVID-19 period. It dawned upon me just as you need a haircut you need your lawn cleaned.”
Gill disclosed that he started the business on his own and reached out to a few young men who he thought would be interested in the initiative. He noted that after seeing a great response from customers as well as youths who were looking for a part-time job, he decided to register the business and take it to another level.
“I started it out weeding. I started doing the job and I started to get money and you know something I said let me get this business registered. After registering it, I started to reach out to persons, “he said.
‘I wanted to do more than just talk’
The young man noted that he felt like he needed to do more for the youths of Guyana especially the young men who reside in rural villages.“I needed to do more and not just say ‘hold it up in this COVID time’ and say ‘everything is going to be alright’. I need to show them that there is still hope during this terrible time,” he said.
In sharing a testimony, Gill disclosed that one of his employees have returned to school after earning income to further his education. This, he added, proves that his business is more than just about earning money but rather about empowering young men to better themselves.
“He has been doing some online course through the money he has been earning through OGN,” he said.
Gill noted that he started the business to destigmatise the societal label that has been placed on young men who come from rural communities.
“A lot of them look up to me even the older ones. They would call me big brother even though I’m younger than them so I try to guide them in such a way that it doesn’t matter what kind of job you do …I tell them to take pride in everything that you do. With that I try to teach them standards for themselves,” he explained.
He added that he wants the young men who come in contact with him to be able to better themselves and move on to greater, positive and bigger things in life that will mould them into great men as well as set examples for the younger generation.
A brotherhood/ Father Figure
Having lost his father at a young age, Gill noted that he struggled through his teenage years to deal with the stones that were thrown to him as a young adolescent boy growing up in a world filled with all kinds of negativity.
However he learnt how to fend for himself and stayed out of trouble, but there are many young men like him today who do not have a stable home or a mentor to guide them.
Cognizant of this, he noted that he has been providing mentorship for the young men who sought employment from him teaching them to rise above all odds and break free from the societal chains persons would have placed on them.
“I raised against all odds and that is what I want to do with the guys I have employed especially those who I would have employed from certain depressed communities…don’t fall prey to the labels of society or the community that they are from, you can rise above all odds .I am a living testimony,” he said.
As of to date, Gill has 12 employees and is looking to expand his business with clientele and local community projects.
For those who are interested in OGN Superb’s services, they visit the business page on Facebook at OGN superb services.