COVID-19: It is rather now, than later, or never

Dear Editor
OUR numbers of COVID-19 cases have been rising, and alarmingly so. This should not come as a surprise; not that it should, or be a welcomed situation, given the fact that we are being ravaged by a global pandemic that has claimed almost 500000 lives, with an 11 million number of as infected persons worldwide. As a grim reminder, a vaccine is not even in sight.

That the early numbers of infected persons in Guyana were low, but gradual, had been due to the limited amount of testing that had been done. But it was a foregone conclusion that once testing had been increased, the reality of Covid-19, with regards its presence in Guyana, would have been better disclosed and identified, and increased measures employed to counter its threat.

The reality is that the spike in infections taking place in Guyana comes down to the human factor; where cultural behavior patterns is at play, a corresponding fact that is also present in the many other jurisdictions, where citizens have pushed back against strict adherence to social distancing measures, and where the lockdown measures were not total to the point of being stringent. But there has been a deadly toll being exacted. As an example, one is now witnessing a frightening resurgence in infected cases in the United States, where states that have been locked down, and decided to reopen too early, are now seeing a spike in infected cases; in Britain, where although there was a strict lockdown, there have been numerous incidents of citizens still wanting to bar-b-que, causing a system of minimal financial penalties against those caught breaking the public health laws.

The recent decisions to reopen schools and certain businesses although in a phased manner, have resulted in a renewed surge, that have affected the reopening of most of these institutions of learning. This is also similarly occurring in other European countries at the moment, and ever since where, with the first rays of Spring, citizens have been flocking the beaches; and congregate at roadside cafes because it is cultural to do so. And this is despite the pandemic still raging in their geographic spaces, and in other contiguous regions such as France, Spain, and Germany. But they are all paying the price for both premature decisions with regards reopening, and failing to adhere to social distancing measures. Even in Australia, where there were virtual draconian measures employed with great success, there has now been an alarming spike. The pandemic continues to rage, out of control, as evidenced in the multi-thousands of daily infections, and deaths, as in the case of neighboring Brazil.

There is no doubt that the local health authorities have done a tremendous job, in terms of establishing systems to deal with infected persons, particularly identifying sanatoriums for quarantine and isolation, to the extent of converting a former hotel to become a specialized hospital for such pandemic infected persons – reportedly, the first in the Caribbean. Its daily public updates, in the form of statistics on the local rate of infection, and death(s) whenever such occurs; demonstrative ads and other public awareness programmes, aimed at sensitizing all citizens. Maybe, the use of billboards, inclusive of the electronic types, coupled with a flood of messages, via social media, should be considered as routes for further public education, rather than being used for the ugly, nasty racist content that have had irreparable damage on our already fragile ethnic milieu.
It was disconcerting to listen to the honourable Minister of Health, describe what she had observed, on a late day visit to the city business centres. For citizens to be observed commencing late night starts to parties and other related social activities in what is clearly a most hazardous period of presentday life, underlines both a wanton ignorance and wholesale recklessness for, beginning with their own personal wellbeing, that of their families, and by extension, their friends. And this sad state of affairs continues to be; despite the best efforts of the State authorities to protect citizens.

Therefore, it is the human factor, and its ill-disciplined that has always been the factor of his/her pain and grief, that is at the heart of the present spike of Covid-19 cases in our jurisdiction, where these numbers are found. Listening to the self-ascribed views of those who pay scant regard to the public health ordinance, exposes a position, already described above, which must precipitate their downfall. For of course, Covid-19 will affect any citizen that fails to observe the basic protection measures; as such, it carries that anyone who fail to do so, will most likely become prey to its deadly touch. This means, inter alia that the deadly virus is indiscriminate in affecting WHOEVER, fails to follow strict adherence measures.
Then there is that category that propagates the fact of their right to personal liberty objecting to any attempts through their misconceived understanding of a period, which demands an entirely different approach/response, to speak of their rights being infringed. To this group, must also be added, the totally blind and misguided, citizens of Moruca, no doubt victims of dangerous political manipulation, but contradicting their own self-distorted view of the pandemic being a hoax, by wearing protective masks and practicing social distancing measures, during their protest. It is apt to state that there have been over 60 diagnosed cases, originating from Region One over the past fourteen days. Are these regional citizens thinking for themselves?

Editor, it is evident that we have arrived at the critical stage, where there will have to be very stringent enforcement measures, as a means of saving the entire nation from those whose selfish behavior, inherent of a great hazardous risk with tragic consequences, continue to threaten the national well-being. It is rather now, later, or never.
Carla Mendonca

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