IN many ways, the month of May has been a triumph for raising mental health awareness, especially within the context of the greatest global health pandemic to confront humanity, possibly since the bubonic plague. Despite the upheaval to our lives and the emergence of what is being termed ‘the new normal’, mental health awareness has certainly gained traction.
Over the course of the month, I have discussed global and local statistics on mental illnesses, and I have found that mental illness is much more prevalent in our society than we might have imagined. Not just on a global level but also here locally in Guyana. In countries such as the USA and UK, mental illness affects approximately 1 in 5 adults.
A startling statistic for something which is so often swept under the rug. Similarly, after discussions with local professionals here in Guyana, it would appear that we are indeed within that same estimation of 1 in 5 persons suffering from some form of mental illness.
A basic perusal of the available data would indicate that depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health conditions which affect most of us.
Schizophrenia, which is much more severe but treatable, is also highly prevalent in our society. Their prevalence, however, does not mean that sufferers are attempting to seek help in the numbers one would expect or hope to see. Despite the availability of services and more qualified, trained mental health practitioners than at any time in our history, persons are still reluctant to seek help.
Stigma continues to be one of the main contributing factors for those who may suspect that they have an illness. Indeed, it may seem like an insurmountable task to create enough momentum and raise awareness so as to break down certain belief systems which are closely held by those who are unfamiliar with the true nature of mental illness. But, through open and frank discussions with mental health professionals and the public at large, a shift in person’s beliefs and understanding of mental illness is occurring.
Young people in particular are starting to emerge to seek help for conditions like anxiety and depression, which unfortunately, are issues that they currently face. However, more work needs to be done in order to normalize the existence of mental illness and to encourage those who are suffering in silence to seek help. We must all continue to make a consorted effort to keep the conversation alive, informative and pragmatic.
Over the course of the years, the availability of services, professionals and facilities to address mental illness have increased to its highest levels to date. Despite the increase, we are still under equipped to adequately manage the number of cases we actually have in Guyana, if everyone affected were to seek help. Nonetheless, there are enough services available so the assumption that help is not available must be quashed.
Financing for mental health services is still quite fragmented and under-funded, however, the three main funding sources are the Ministry of Public Health, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and the Region Six Mental Health Programme. Mental health services are available at the GPHC where individuals are able to access a number of services including access to psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists who offer counselling for various conditions. They also offer diagnostic and treatment services for persons who attend. For those suffering from more acute mental illnesses which might require a period of hospitalization, the psychiatry ward at GPHC has an inpatient service available along with all reasonable services to aid recovery and rehabilitation.
According to the Ministry of Public Health, there are a number of health centres where anyone who believes that they are suffering from a mental illness may attend to seek to help. If services are not available at these primary care centres, persons are usually referred to their nearest centre where they are able to get help or to GPHC. On the East Coast, there are services available at Grove Health Centre, Sophia Health Centre and Enmore Polyclinic. These clinics have access to psychotropic drugs and receive regular visits from a mental health specialist attached to the Ministry of Public Health.
The Psychiatry Clinic at St Joseph Mercy Hospital has a limited outpatient service where persons are able to speak with a psychiatrist on Mondays to Thursdays between 1-3pm.
Outside of the public sector, there are a number of private clinics where persons are able to access mental heath services, diagnostics, treatment and psychotherapy. Eureka Medical Centre is one such place where persons are able to attend for such services.
Additionally, there is the Wellness Center which takes a holistic approach to tacking mental illness. They offer counselling and therapy for conditions such as depression and anxiety, in person or online. They also offer a number of holistic treatments aimed at treating certain mental health conditions.
In conclusion, I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone suffering in silence to make contact with a professional and just explain to them what you are going through. If you have family members or friends who you suspect might be suffering from a mental illness, compassionately and empathetically encourage them to seek help. Support your loved ones and allow the professionals to do what they do best. Mental illness does not have to be a life sentence, help is available.