At least two workers attached to the Nand Persaud Rice Milling Facility at Number 36 Village, Corentyne were seriously injured after the minibus transporting them to work crashed into a Nissan Dualis on the Tain Public Road late on Friday.
According to eyewitness, the minibus bearing registration number PHH 3410, was proceeding east along the northern side of the road when a motorcar bearing registration number PPP 3020, which was leaving an inner road, collided with the bus.
“The car was coming out and a truck did park on the road so he nah seeing so he push out he front and same time the bus clip he and he run off the road,” an eyewitness recalled.
The mini-bus ended-up in the other side of the road and two persons in the front seat were pinned since the left side of the bus suffered the brunt of the impact. Public spirited citizens acted quickly and with cooperation, they were able to pull the mangled front of the bus
to free the occupants.
The two passengers who were in the front seat of the bus as well as the bus driver were rushed to the Port Mourant Hospital for medical attention.Several others, who sustained minor cuts and bruises were treated and sent away.(Nafeeza Yahya)