Return of “stranded” Guyanese will be done in phases

The return of approximately 300 Guyanese Nationals stranded abroad, will be done in phases based on approval from the Government of Guyana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, as it invited applications from the affected.

“…In the interest of public health and safety, approvals for re-entry will be phased in a manner deemed appropriate by the Ministry of Public Health, as the designated quarantine authority, and other key Government entities,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a Travel Advisory on Monday.

The Travel Advisory was published days after the National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) approved the controlled re-entry of approximately 300 Guyanese, who must first test negative for the deadly disease. Hundreds of Guyanese have been unable to travel home due to the closure of international borders linked to the global Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and while the Government has given the green light for the return of some 300, it said it must be a coordinated approach.

“You are required to plan your return in coordination with and on approval from the Government of Guyana. This will enable control of the spread of COVID-19 in Guyana and protect the health and safety of all citizens dwelling there, particularly those who are most vulnerable,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry said.

According to the advisory, affects Guyanese must complete an application, inclusive of the entry form, which is located on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website as well as on those of Guyana’s overseas missions — embassies, consulates general and honorary consulates.
It noted an e-mail will be sent to each applicant confirming receipt of their application and, afterwards, confirmation of the intended date of travel. “We would like to reiterate that you should not attempt to travel to Guyana without gaining prior approval from the Government,” the Ministry emphasized.

It was keen on specifying that all Guyanese seeking to return to Guyana must undergo a strict screening process. “Guyanese nationals should expect to be screened and possibly tested for the novel coronavirus on return to Guyana. This is a condition of return and will be undertaken at the point of entry,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry stated.

It added: “It is anticipated that all persons entering Guyana will need to exercise patience as social distancing and health and safety protocols will be observed.” The Foreign Affairs Ministry was keen on noting that the completion of the application form would be an indication that applicants read, understood and agreed to comply with the requirements for re-entry to Guyana.

In arriving at the decision last week, the COVID-19 Task Force stated that “…no person who tests positive for COVID-19 will be permitted entry into Guyana and that ALL arriving passengers must undergo the PCR tests and submit the results (which must be in English) at least 48 hours prior to their arrival in Guyana.”

It noted too that approval will only be applicable to Guyanese nationals resident in Guyana who are stranded overseas and who registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as at Thursday, May 21, 2020. It is also only applicable to Guyanese in possession of a valid Guyanese passport although the Immigration Department of Guyana will accept any passenger whose Guyanese passport expired within six months prior to arrival.

Meanwhile, the applicants or their employers must cover all costs for their return via air only. These new approvals come in addition to ones previously made for the controlled re-entry of over 100 Guyanese from countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent, St. Maarten and Cuba.

These previous approvals were made on May 18 by the NCTF and are inclusive of 70 Guyanese cruise ship workers attached to Royal Caribbean; 19 Guyanese students of the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad; 10 Guyanese in St Maarten; four Guyanese in St. Vincent to return via SVG Air; trade unionist Komal Chand’s body, and his wife from Cuba and a team of officials based in Guyana to return from Suriname after observing their May 25 elections.

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