THE Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is examining the protocols and policies necessary for a possible reopening of Member States guided above all by the health risks of COVID-19.
This was one of the main topics discussed by Heads of Government on Tuesday at the Tenth Special Emergency Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government via video conference. In attendance on Guyana’s behalf was President David Granger, accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Karen Cummings. A release from CARICOM, on Thursday, provided a report of the discussions which took place.
“Heads of Government welcomed a presentation from a Regional Working Group which indicated that the pandemic was largely contained in the Region due to the decisive action by governments to put restrictions in place. They also noted the emphasis by the group that re-opening by the Member States must be done with the health consideration being the foremost criterion,” the release stated.
“The recommendations included parameters for the easing of restrictions in Member States that would allow for a re-opening in phases. The recommendations also included suggested criteria for a protocol on the re-opening of airports for intra-regional travel. The draft policy will be resubmitted to Heads of Government for final approval.” The intention was first discussed at the Ninth Special Emergency Meeting after CARICOM Chair, Mia Mottley, has recognised that “regional blocks” will become more important as countries worldwide may remain fearful of full globalisation.
She said that countries will have to rely on their neighbours and there is no better time for CARICOM to band together than now. At the Tenth Meeting, the need for a common protocol for the re-opening of regional airports to flights from selected third countries and the re-opening of hotels were discussed. As a result, Heads of Government established a sub-committee led by Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Allen Chastanet, to have discussions with stakeholders in the tourism industry, including the hoteliers, airlines, cruise operators and the labour unions to settle the appropriate protocols needed to ensure safety for workers and visitors upon re-opening of the sector.
This, however, would be informed by a regional public health policy — an initiative recommended by the Regional Working Group. The group is inclusive of representation from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the University of the West Indies (UWI), and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA).
Moving forward, the Heads of Government have given their commitment to speaking to the cruise and airline industries with one voice.
Meanwhile, Heads of Government have recognised the need to pool their efforts at procurement of medical devices and supplies in the context of COVID-19 in order gain better access to supplies and achieve economies of scale.
This system would utilise the existing structures of the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Pharmaceutical Procurement Service (PPS). The Heads of Government also endorsed the regional COVID-19 Agri-Food Security Action Plan to strengthen the Region’s food security in the face of the threat posed by the pandemic. The plan was developed by agriculture stakeholders, including the private sector. In the coming weeks, they will meet again to discuss the financial and economic challenges related to the impact of the pandemic.