– GCAA’s Field raps local airlines
THE Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has noted with grave concern, several media reports of increased airfares by domestic air operators to transport passengers and cargo to the interior regions of Guyana.
Director- General of the GCAA, Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Egbert Field, A.A., in a comment said the development is “unconscionable and unscrupulous,” given the unfortunate prevailing health pandemic affecting the entire world.
In light of the global pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the GCAA issued a directive on March 18, 2020, restricting all international flights except for outgoing flights, cargo flights, medivac flights, technical stops for fuel only and special authorised flights for a period of 14 days, in order to enhance public health and stop the spread of COVID-19. This directive was further extended until May 1, 2020.
On Thursday April 2, 2020, after a careful assessment of the domestic situation, the GCAA issued another directive to address domestic flights whereby passenger flights to all border locations were suspended, and passenger flights to all other locations will operate at fifty (50%) of an aircraft seating capacity. There was no restriction on cargo flights throughout the entire country. This directive is in effect until May 1, 2020.
In formulating the directive, the GCAA was very conscious of the need for consignments (goods, equipment and supplies) to be transported to various hinterland locations, especially those inaccessible by water or road. Hence, there is no restriction in cargo flights. The GCAA is therefore alarmed that the rates for transporting cargo by air have been significantly increased.
In addition, in keeping with social-distancing requirements, the GCAA allowed passenger flights at 50% of the aircraft seating capacity to all non-border locations. In arriving at this decision, the GCAA anticipated that air operators would combine cargo and passengers to ensure maximum utilisation of the aircraft weight capacity which is the dependent factor for operation of an aircraft. This means that the excess weight allowed with only 50% passenger weight can be utilised by carrying cargo, thus having a full load or combined (passenger/cargo) operation.
In addition, the government’s removal of the Value Added Tax (VAT) on domestic travel until June 30, 2020 and the significant reduction in the price of fuel should negate any increase in the cost of domestic air travel.
The GCAA condemns this action by air operators and will be investigating these reports to ensure that passengers are not treated unfairly during this unfortunate period. The GCAA strongly encourages domestic operators to cease and desist from this unconscionable conduct.