…says prepared to assist affected businesses
THE government has rolled out a survey for the private sector to determine the extent to which businesses have been impacted by COVID-19.
The survey is being conducted by the Ministry of Business, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, and will be used to shape informed economic policy considerations.
In a message on Wednesday, members of the business community were asked to urgently fill out the questionnaire by Saturday, April 11, 2020. The survey can be completed via an online questionnaire and sharing via email, WhatsApp or text message for greater coverage is being encouraged.
“We are therefore asking for your kind and urgent assistance in disseminating to your membership to assist us in gathering this crucial information,” the Ministries stated. “Your cooperation in completing this form accurately will help in guiding the emergency policy responses needed to help Guyana through this unprecedented time.”
The questionnaire notes that the information provided will remain confidential and only be used for official purposes during the epidemic. It requires the name of the company, address, contact information, taxpayer identification number, description of business activities, evidence on how one’s business has been affected by COVID-19 and whether there are any plans to use the current opportunity for training of workers, facility upgrades or similar activities.
The survey also collects information on the number of full-time and part-time employees; the total salaries and allowances paid to employees excluding PAYE and NIS; total PAYE payable and total NIS Contributions payable. For the period of March 16 to April 3, 2020, business owners conducting the survey must indicate the number of new hires; the number of number of employees required to take paid and unpaid leave; the designation of unpaid leave workers; the number and designation of employees permanently dismissed; the number of employees required to work reduced hours at a reduced salary; the number of employees required to take salary reduction; the number of employees on work-from-home arrangements; total salaries and allowances payable to employees and total PAYE payable and NIS contributions payable.
Next, owners of businesses must state whether they expect any changes in their revenues in the coming month and if so what percentage and how many workers, in the coming month, are expected to be asked to work reduced hours at reduced salary, go on unpaid leave or be permanently dismissed. Finally, they must give an answer on how they believe the government can further support their business to minimise the impact of COVID-19 In the coming month.
Recently, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) had written to Chairman, National Task Force – COVID-19, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, that there was need for economic measures to cushion the effects of the pandemic in Guyana. When it comes to businesses, it had recommended a 100 per cent deduction of taxes for items given to the national effort; the rescheduling of loans and mortgages; relaxing of overdraft facilities and the relaxing of regulations to classify loan as non-performing. Already the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has granted tax deductions for all donations made by local businesses to staff and health institutions for the treatment of the virus and several other measures.
The survey in question for businesses can be accessed at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=GEMd_24EQ0GLrJ1QPwDRK1La2-BWgE9FgDyb2R7-EgBUOUVUUUhQOUlKWE9KRjhUNzFQVVBEVkNaWS4u