GECOM should know that we got your back

Dear Editor,
After kicking the can all over these eighty three thousand square miles that is Guyana, finally the can is where it should be with the Guyana Elections Commission, constitutionally mandated to supervise elections, and the elections results.

GECOM was attacked by everyone and their brother through this entire procedure. This attack, however, did not start with the elections. Nah, this diabolical scheme or plan was hatched since 2018. Now in hindsight we can dissect the ins and outs of the plot. To say the coalition was caught with their pants down would be an understatement, try their drawers.

Having forced the President’s hand to appoint a GECOM chair, because the names submitted for the position were considered “not fit and proper”, the participants whose names were rejected, did as they were instructed to do, they created a cabal that continuously created and propagated personal attacks against the President. Invent GECOM’s shortcomings and parade them consistently, they were lies but who cares: one of their gems; “the government is planning to rig the 2020 elections and they needed their own handpicked GECOM chair.” An opening salvo.

Around about June 2018, just prior to the GECOM chair tendering his resignation, an interesting comment appeared in the newspaper: the “PPP has turned their spotlight on GECOM.” From 2018? why? Because in cricket parlance “they were preparing the wicket.” A liar does not have a good memory, so we will forgive the PPP if they forgot the 2011 (elections) where one of their commissioners was caught by another commissioner claiming (or forging) a seat in South Georgetown. This person was exposed. If a name is to go down in infamy, his will. Not deterred, the PPP came out swinging in 2015 with fake SoP’s and were caught again.

The PPP, in their ruthless quest to return this country to lawlessness, decided that they needed a turn coat, an inside man to follow their plans. They found a low hanging fruit on the bench of the coalition, as Michael Corleone said in the Godfather; “everyone has a price.” Now you have to understand why this hanging fruit was the right one. He looked like them, and most importantly, he behaves like a dog on a leash, always deriding the PPP whenever he came in contact with them. But in the PPP, brighter heads prevailed. The big brass knew that his behaviour was just bravado, they knew that he was a weak heart. After the three “yes” votes, the turn coat was whisked away to a country named Canada. A scribe, who writes daily for one of the rags, said with a straight face, “that the turn coat voted his conscience.” Then using his clairvoyant knowledge the scribe said, “that the APNU+AFC rigged the 2020 elections”. As I often say about people like him, “there is no place like home.”

Back in 2019, the PPP made several threats to both GECOM and GUYANA. Their surrogate Stabroek Views claimed, “if the coalition wins in 2020 it’s victory would be framed by the PPP as fraudulent and the government will not be recognised.” “As it should be” was the brusque way that Stabroek Views, saw the incident, while condoning the thuggish behaviour of the supporters of the opposition, led by their leader and the Presidential candidate; when they invaded GECOM’s main office. The leader, in his own pontificating type of way said, quote: “he would make the country ungovernable.” Joining the chorus to putting all of Guyana on notice, the Stabroek Views said. “GECOM chair/CEO will be recorded in the annals of electoral infamy in this country.”

GECOM, who has slipped and dodged every slur, every put down, every temptation, every inducement, to indulge in skullduggery, cannot win for trying. Repeated ad nauseam by the chair that the commission will adhere to the laws of the land, and will respect the constitution, GECOM still cannot get a pass. The President himself asked that the attacks against the chair be stopped, they are unwarranted.

A learned scribe working for a newspaper (where he claims to work for free gratis), has been giving the PPP ammunition since 2018. (This scribe dubbed the good knee-grow)  from a fellow scribe; has often and repeated times call the coalition “AUTHORITARIAN”, (favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom) is now saying “the APNU+AFC government was not dictatorial , (don’t make me laugh) and EUREKA, he has come up with a novel idea to run the country “SHARED GOVERNANCE”. If he was not busy ingratiating himself with the PPP, history would have pulled his coat to the fact that Mr.  Burnham offered that to Mr. Jagan and Mr. Jagan refused. The scribe should contact Sidney King or Eusi Kawayana and ask him what his reply was (about BG) after Mr. Jagan refused.

GECOM has refused to fall into the never, never land of deceit and lies, the guiding principle of some we know. The fighters for “DEMOCRACY” (jokers all) discredit GECOM, and most importantly, are preparing to discredit GECOM’s findings of the election results. But GECOM should know that we got your back.

Yours Faithfully,
Milton Bruce

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