Gecom, tackling COVID-19 needs President David Granger

Dear Editor
Guyanese in the twenty-first century have witnessed many of the world’s most fascinating and life altering phenomena, from smartphones, smart televisions, refrigerators with special features, self-parking cars, Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.The technological advancements has change the way we communicate with each other, how we cultivate our food, administer healthcare, develop our infrastructure and many other things too numerous to mention.

The world has witnessed the rise and fall of great men, brutish dictators overthrown by murderous mobs and in our country we have witnessed questionable characters who were elevated to positions of  God-like and unchallenged leadership who were simply given positions to the interests of their marionnettiste.

Despite all those amazing occurrences, one of the world’s most attention grabbing phenomena is the novel coronavirus, commonly known as COVID19. The outbreak of this very contagious and deadly virus has reached over 180 countries and territories around the globe. Over 921,000 people around the world have been infected and it continues to rise with each passing minute. The number of deaths thus far has risen to 46000 persons worldwide and 192000 with potential for more have recovered from the coronavirus.This virus is the most vicious, dangerous and deadly enemy of the 21st century. No nation state, irrespective of its vast military might, is its formidable opponent. This virus is presently the most dangerous threat to humanity. If not contained and eliminated, millions of people all over the world will succumb. We have witnessed the unmanageable fatalities especially in China and Italy.

The secretary-general  of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, told the meeting of the G20 countries ( a group of countries with the biggest economies in the world, responsible for more than 80% of the world’s wealth), “We are at war with a virus and not winning”. I Jermaine Figueira repeat “Not WInning!”

The data is both  interesting and frightening, which reflects that the highest fatalities are from the most industrialized, economically and technologically advanced nations. The reality is Mr. Editor, if the virus systematically impacts poorer countries who are not advanced, hence third world and developing nations, the fatalities will be incomparably unprecedented. The harsh reality is that millions of people’s lives in these countries are at risk because the healthcare systems of third world countries are not capable of deal with or addressing this clear and present danger that is upon us.

Regardless of our political affiliation, religion, gender or whichever strata of society that we belong: this virus is our common enemy. This virus can be transmitted and has so far been defeating most natural interventions. Our faith is still strong and resolute that a miracle will come. As we wait, the government is working, trying it’s best to do what it can, knowing much more is required. But to some extent they are handicap, due to the insurmountable political shenanigans of a power craving by the desperate Bharat Jagdeo-led opposition, who refuse to accept the will of the people, despite the fact that two declarations were made by the Guyana Elections Commission.

Guyana and its people have waited for far too long, the courts have ruled and placed the mandate back in the hands of Gecom to complete its work of making the final declaration of the already tabulated and declared results of all ten electoral districts. The law mandates that any desire for a recount, regardless of how honorable and noble the intent is, the law is paramount and pellucid. Such has to be done by way of an election petition. No one should invent processes contrary to the law in the name of good intentions.

As the nation tries to prepare with grossly limited resources to combat this imminent threat to our lives and existence, we call on the hard working and dedicated staff of Gecom to complete its constitutional mandate and declare the already known Victor. The PPP lost the 2011 elections as they were a minority government, they lost in 2015 and they lost again in 2020.

Covid19 urgently requires budgetary allocation so that we can stop the spread of the virus and help those who are in need of resources. A robust national campaign against this virus is urgently needed, along with a disciplined people who will adhere to all public advisory form the Ministry of Health. We are currently asking persons to stay at home but this is a difficult task as there is no budgetary allocation to provide stimulus for those persons who are self or privately employed.

We are well aware that the virus will not survive if it does not have a host, hence by stopping the spread of its domination and we will be able to save lives. Gecom must with urgency wrap up this month-old elections process, declare David Arthur Granger as the obvious winner and entertain any other complaint through an elections petition; as we must with most urgency bring this country to a complete shut down for a short period of time to  prevent the spread of COVID19.

Jermaine Figueira.

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