“6 HUMBLE yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:6-10 New International Version (NIV)
This scripture resonated with me recently. Despite this season of political feuds, racial division, health crisis and economic crisis, I have a sense of peace amid the storm. Knowing that I am not the only one going through a rough time, gives me comfort. It is easy to become overwhelmed by current events. Many persons have developed anxiety about the future. Others have developed a laid-back attitude towards the changes in their daily schedule. Our circumstances and reactions to our current situation vary. While some artists have the liberty to create in this period of social distancing, others are surrounding by countless distractions. While some are utilizing stored up materials, others don’t have any material to work with. While some are still receiving sufficient income, others are worried about paying the next bill. These are the realities that we are facing today. You may ask yourself, is it worth it to create now? The answer is, yes!

In this season, people need art. They need art to serve as a source of encouragement; to serve as a means of bringing awareness; to serve as their voice and to represent hope for a brighter future. It’s a tall order to fulfil amid our own challenges. An art career is most certainly not an easy one, but it is an important one. We have a responsibility. When I look at history, I understand the importance of visual representation in storytelling. In a year, all this, will be a part of history, so we must be ready to tell the story.
I saw two digital art pieces on social media earlier this month by artist Michael Griffith. One was captioned, ‘Herein lays the perfect opportunity for the parties who supposedly have the country’s best interest at heart, to prove it. Just one of the two has to step aside to restore peace and order. Let’s see just how bad they are willing to let things get.’ And the other stated that, ‘Neither side is completely blameless’. These pieces were meant to send a message, a message that is yet to be received. A message that could potentially bring an end to one of our current unsettling situations. Until such time, Guyana will continue to suffer and, in the end, they’ll be too many broken pieces to put back together.
In the meantime, artists must continue to create. Continue to bring awareness until the message is heard. Not just the message for our political leaders but the message for the general public to take the necessary precaution against the COVID 19 virus, and other messages that needs to be heard through visual communication.