Physio Neil Barry Jr. issues tips for local athletes, as coronavirus affects sports world
Guyana/West Indies Performance Enhancement Specialist, Neil Barry Jr
Guyana/West Indies Performance Enhancement Specialist, Neil Barry Jr

By Clifton Ross

GUYANA/West Indies Performance Enhancement Specialist, Neil Barry Jr is urging not only his cricketers, but all local athletes to adhere to specific tips for keeping themselves safe during the evolving threat of the coronavirus pandemic.

Barry, Guyana Jaguars team physio outlined a number of essential guidelines which he says athletes should follow during this time of ‘social-distancing’ and self-quarantine following the COVID-19 pandemic which has made its way onto local soil.

With the virus springing up locally here and there with one accounted death to date, the Government shut its borders, schools and airports along with a number of their organisations for a few weeks; as to better help prepare for quarantine-like measures in the near future.

From the NBA to the NFL, sports worldwide have been hit hard by the outbreak as leagues and tournaments have been called off indefinitely. In keeping with their regimens, Barry stated that his tips are tailor-made for helping athletes to keep fit and healthy during this time of isolation.


“In observing the guidelines by the World Health Organisation (WHO) you are not just protecting yourself, but doing your part to protect your community. The great challenge with this illness is not so much the treatment of the virus but rather the rapid rate of spread, especially by those who do not show symptoms.


With athletes advised to abandon team training and gym sessions until further notice, Barry recommends that more aerobic work should be done during this time.

Evidence shows that training your aerobic system at least once a week helps to maintain your level of fitness. As an athlete, now would be a good time to focus on getting in those long runs you may or may not enjoy.

Public training facilities in your area could be closed at this period to limit public gatherings, but running 4-5 miles a few days a week can have several benefits beyond giving you a sound aerobic base such as helping to keep a strong immune system and building focus, self-discipline and other key traits to athletics success.

Barry further stresses that isolated time-off is good for individual workouts, adding that strength training at a time like this is important, especially with a number of routines can be carried out in a safe environment.

Several countries have advised closures of gyms and with good reason. Keeping public gatherings to a minimum are proven ways to slow the spread of viruses such as these. This does not have to spell the end of your strength training. There are hundreds of exercises out there (many of which can be found on YouTube) to safely build strength, using just your bodyweight or minimal equipment.

“Now would be a good time to bring out your resistance bands and other portable exercise tools, but also setting simple targets like getting in 100 push-ups and 500 abdominals per day are still highly beneficial.

With Social-Distancing now an integral part of the containment/self-quarantine process, Barry who heads University of Guyana Physio Therapy Department said isolation is key as athletes across the world have been coming down with the virus.

“If you do need to get in technical work and it becomes unavoidable, then keep your training groups to 5 persons or less and as far as possible observe the 3-feet rule. A lot of your coaches could be at a higher risk of having a more significant reaction to the illness so do not be selfish – keep your distance.

Utilise the additional time to learn about your game and other facets of training. For a cricketer or footballer this could mean spending time reviewing footage or practising a new drill.”

Take the time to focus on aspects of training you might not have had the time to work on before. Different variations of the bodyweight plank and the Bodyweight Bridge are excellent tools to prevent injury and enhance performance by strengthening the glute, inner thigh and hips. A simple YouTube search can reveal a lot of safe demonstrations of those exercises.” explained Barry.

In closing, the guidelines prescribed for athletes are no different from the rest of the world. As an athlete you are likely a role model in your community so the example you set can influence others and play a major role in the outcome of this situation. So keep your distance and wash your hands.”


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