OP-ED | COVID 19: The power to stop the virus begins with you!

By Tariq Jagnarine, MD, MMED Family Medicine, CCFP

AT THE end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was identified as the cause of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei Province of China. It rapidly spread, resulting in an epidemic throughout China, and is now a pandemic, as declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO), affecting 170 countries and territories with 206,893 cases, and 8,272 deaths to date (CDC STATS).

COVID-19 is not a new virus; the new strain of coronavirus is called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously referred to as 2019-nCoV. The virus causes coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19).

COVID-19 mainly affects:
i. People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:
• Heart disease
• Diabetes
• High Blood Pressure
• Lung disease
ii. Older adults- 60+, 80+ (worst)
iii. Young Children- 2% cases (3% critical)
iv. Persons living with HIV
v. Persons travelling to endemic regions

Coronavirus is highly infectious, but the mortality rate is quite low. It is significantly less severe than 2003 SARS (MR: 10%) or 2012 MERS (MR: 35%) outbreaks.

The incubation period from exposure to an infected person is 2-14 days (WHO), with a mean incubation of 5 days. Recognising that the COVID-19 is an infectious condition, it can spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another through various ways, such as:

• Eye, nose, and mouth, via droplets produced by coughing or sneezing
• Close contact with infected person
• Contact with contaminated surface
• Kisses, e.g., Mother to Child
• Pets (1 Case)

Almost 80% of people have mild symptoms, such as Fever, Dry Cough, Shortness of breath, Fatigue, Sputum Production, recent travels from regions with COVID-19 and recover from the disease in 2 weeks. Most of the symptoms can be treated with timely medical care. Not everyone needs to be tested, only persons with these symptoms.
Once someone is suspected of having COVID-19 symptoms, contact the national COVID-19 Disease hotline on 227-4986 or 624-3067, after which, the person will be screened by a medical team. If confirmed of COVID-19 via testing done only at the National Reference Laboratory, the infected person will be quarantined at one of the four designated quarantine facilities and receive readily available treatment and care. Currently there is NO CURE nor readily available VACCCINES, the treatment is symptomatic.
Popular questions being asked:

i. Can Garlic Help?

• There is no science-based evidence that proves its ability to protect against the coronavirus 19.
ii. Does warm weather help?

• Experts in the field suggest that heat and warm weather is likely to decrease the
Spread of COVID-19, but DOES NOT PREVENT THE DISEASE. Temperature needs to be > 56C, as in Steam Baths- Inhalation/ Sauna which helps to decrease the transmission.

• Coronavirus can survive up to 8-10 hours over porous surfaces (like paper, untreated wood, cardboard, sponge and fabric) and a little more than this over nonporous surfaces (like glass, plastics, metals, varnished wood).

• Dies Quickly in the SUN and Hot surfaces.
iii. Does everyone need to wear a facemask?

• Not for everyone; only persons with suspected case or healthcare worker dealing with suspected cases.

iv. What Can I do to protect myself from COVID-19?

• Disinfect surfaces around your home and workstations, using any of the following: Bleach, vinegar, alcohol (isopropyl), iodine, chlorhexidine, Dettol. (IMPORTANT: Avoid mixing cleaning agents)

• Wash hands often, for at least 20 seconds, using soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizers (60% -70%)

• If sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with tissue and dispose of it in trash bin. Also, sneeze or cough in the inside of your elbow and not hands.

• Avoid close contact with flu-like symptoms (3-5 feet)

• Practise social distancing

• Follow no-touch greeting for no germs contracted. Prefer “namaste” or hand waving to handshake.

• Wear a regular face mask if sick with flu like symptoms or if taking care of someone with flu symptoms

• If you feel unwell, seek medical attention. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, stay indoors. Call healthcare professionals and follow their advice using hotlines

• Do not share “just any forwarded message”. Only share authentic information coming through medical experts
While COVID-19 is worrisome, 80% of people have recovered from the disease without needing special treatment. All of us can be safe if we protect our loves ones and ourselves by practising social distancing and basic hygiene.

We are in this together, so let us do the right things with calm and protect and look out for each other. Preparedness and not panic is key to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
For up-to-date information, visit the Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) coronavirus disease 2019 web page.

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