COVID -19 faceless: no respecter of country, race or ethnicity

Dear Editor
NOT satisfied with threatening to starve a certain section of our population, and uttering threats that are plainly interpreted as pointing towards their non-existence, another similar threat that now involves the pandemic coronavirus as a means towards doing so, has now emerged.

Part of the above, I believe, has already been responded to in a letter some days ago in your letter column; now, this, another in the latest abysmal recess of racism is addressed.
Editor, such statements about the coronavirus as a means of threatening the physical existence of a particular ethnic group, is the height of a mental mind that is inherently racist, which can only live in the darkest existence of a mindset that is hopelessly lost in the mists of total ignorance. It is a further manifestation of unbridled asininity, of which even the animal that it describes has to be ashamed.

As a reminder to the purveyors of such reckless and frightening ignorance, that is absolutely the product of minds that are vile in construct of the racist extremes – pandemics are non-discriminate in their relentless attacks, once they become viral. From a purely layman’s perspective, it can be likened unto some kinds of popular movements that soon begin their broad appeal, as whatever cause that is represented, soon becomes global, igniting minds such as the Greta Thunberg movement on climate change, and the other climate change protest phenomena. In like manner, pandemics eventually become juggernauts once they cannot be contained, as they diffuse their deadly viral payload wherever transmitted, once set in motion. The reality is that by nature, their spread becomes transnational, because of the interconnectivity of the world, by travel.

For a virus, the Corona Virus aka COVID-19, that commenced its deadly incubation in Wuhan, China, it has since gradually spread globally, cutting a deadly swathe especially in Europe that has now become its epicentre. One is certain that the horrible and wicked representatives of such despicable ignorance must be aware that the Italian Republic, has been totally shut down, because of a death toll in excess of 2300, and the mighty UNITED STATES, closing its TERRITORY to arrivals from Europe. Not the only country to take such measures. One must also add that even ministers of government and MPs in countries, where the virus now rages, have fallen victims. For example, Iran, that is in deadly throes, with excess of 2500 deaths; Britain, which seems to be slowly grinding to a halt; Ireland, where the virus has recently reared its scything head. The list can go on, as more countries become victims of the relentless march of the virus. Interestingly enough, to date, only three African states West of the Sahel, have recorded a minimum of three persons struck. This would probably be a surprise to such distorted minded social media group, touting such CRAP. But things can change since this is a PANDEMIC that is swift in its flight and deadly in its effect.

Editor, it was not my intention to have indulged in any such lengthy discourse on the COVID-19, since this is rightly the preserve of medical specialists, and do not pretend to be one. Maybe, it was a case of trying to educate a category of countrymen that continue to be hopeless prisoners of a warped and dangerous mindset, that is their biggest hindrance to understanding the real world around them, and the truth of its existence; and even about the existence of COVID -19. Absolutely, education is needed, to dispel that kind of cultural construct, a fact which the very articulate Ganesh Mahipaul, beautifully illustrated on the NCN’s CONTEXT.

How can we all ever hope to take this country of six people into the dawn of the new day of mutual respect, and unity, with such portents of the mind that reek of ungodliness? It is very tragic for a country which continues to be haunted by the demon of race that such a baseless threat/wish CAN BE UTTERED. One wonders, just what these supposedly adults, mothers and fathers, teach their young about the country and its diversity. It is a question that I always ask, particularly when passing our school playfields, watching the innocents play among themselves, forming bonds of friendship, only for these to become subverted by deliberate parental orientation of a misleading and destructive type.

Finally editor, for this country’s sake, one should hope that COVID-19, already manifesting itself here, does not become reality, as is its pattern in Europe, and elsewhere. Again, God forbid; but if it does, those who would want it to get rid of a section of the nation, would realise that it is no respector of country, race or ethnicity, status or station in life. It would be a challenge for ALL GUYANESE TO COMBAT, INCLUSIVE OF THAT SOCIAL MEDIA DEGENERATE.

Carla Mendonca

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