Dear Editor
A PLEA for peace and sanity from an educator with no political agenda. What are we teaching our youth at this crucial juncture in the development of the nation? What legacy are the ‘leaders’ giving to our future generation? Who is there providing the leadership to bring the disparate threads of this country together into a tapestry that reflects all our talents and abilities? Are we there to serve others or are we simply pushing forward to serve ourselves?
These questions are not only being asked in Guyana but increasingly all over the world. We are facing possibly the biggest challenge mankind has yet witnessed with the unknowns of the coronavirus and yet – across the globe – our leaders jostle for position and advantage.
Are we approaching a situation internationally where people are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the alternatives on offer and are looking for new ways to organise our increasingly complex society? Is it time to recognise that the choices on offer are outworn and a radically new alternative needs to be explored? Are we beginning to see the need for a New World Order to tackle the challenges of the hour?
Dr Brian O’Toole, MBE, AA