– PPP/C leaders urge supporters to respect laws on E-Day
– Ali promises to ‘reprioritise’ expenditures to reflect needs of people
By Navendra Seoraj
AS Guyanese prepare to cast their ballots at the General and Regional Elections, on March 2, 2020, the leadership of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has urged its supporters to “vote peacefully” and respect the laws governing the conduct of elections, all while voting “solidly” for the PPP/C.
This was among the messages relayed to the thousands of PPP/C supporters who converged at the Lusignan Market Tarmac to show their support for the party, on Saturday. The leadership of the PPP/C encouraged persons to vote peacefully so that the process would not be hindered. And, while the voters will be doing their part, the party also acknowledged the presence of international observers such as the Carter Center, the Organisation of American States (OAS) and European Union (EU), who are here to observe the electoral process and ensure that there is efficiency.

The party also encouraged their polling agents to “watch out” and ensure that nothing goes wrong on Elections Day (E-Day). “Your hard work will give us an opportunity to fix things and after March 2, we will be fixing the wrongs and making things right again,” said Presidential Candidate of the PPP/C, Irfaan Ali while addressing the sea of red at Lusignan.
While it is important to maintain peace, he said persons must also ensure that they turn up to vote and by extension “seal the deal” for the PPP/C. The presidential candidate made a commitment to ensuring that there is development and improvement for all Guyanese, if the PPP/C wins the elections. “In a united voice, let us rise above the fake news and negativity because we have a task to build a better Guyana for every Guyanese…to every supporter of the APNU+AFC, don’t worry, the struggles of the PPP is not only for ourselves, it is for every Guyanese and you are welcome as we move our country forward,” said Ali.
In an appeal to supporters of the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Ali rolled out a menu of promises which the party intends to deliver if they are elected. Among those measures was the much touted, creation of 50,000 jobs, which, according to Ali, will be created for “all Guyanese.” “We will return the jobs you have lost, restore dignity, build trust and build national unity…we will put money in your pockets…this will be done by removing and reversing the burdens of more than 200 new taxes and licences fees that has extracted $91B from the pockets of the people,” said the presidential candidate.
It was, however, reported on many occasions that the PPP/C had implemented Value Added Tax (VAT), something which the coalition government has reduced from 16 per cent to 14 per cent in four years. Despite this reality, Ali continued by saying that the PPP/C will ensure that the productive sector is “rejuvenated” and positioned to create jobs. This, he said, will be done by giving incentives to businesses and removing taxes. In talking about this promise, he said: “We will work hand-in-hand, with investors in the mining, forestry, bauxite and other sectors to build a framework which will ensure that there is success, profitability and a productive sector.”

Speaking along the same line, Ali said a PPP/C government would reprioritise expenditure to reflect the needs of the people. This will also take into account revenue from the new oil and gas sector, which the PPP/C promised, will be properly managed. And to ensure that the allocation of government funds is done transparently and with accountability, the PPP/C intends on allocating resources to the Auditor General’s Office to ensure that there is adequate monitoring.
All of this, Ali said, will be done with the intent of creating a “rounded nation,” since focus will also be placed on creating safer communities, addressing mental health, improving childcare and protection laws, among other things. He said the PPP/C will not do this alone, but will get assistance through “stronger partnerships” with the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK) and other developed nations.
“All of these will be put in place and will be fixed with your votes on March 2…we cannot take these elections for granted because this is about a better Guyana and all of us must have a dream of leading a better Guyana,” said Ali.
Ali’s promises were reinforced by Prime Ministerial Candidate of the PPP/C, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, who said there will be “transformational development” over the next five years if the PPP/C wins the elections. “There will be visionary leadership and I will be there, working with leaders of government to come into your towns and villages and lead the development of Guyana…I will not be a rubber stamp, I will be the number one supporter of the next President of Guyana,” said Phillips, adding that the PPP/C will work hard to make people happy.
He encouraged persons to judge and assess the PPP/C based on promises outlined in the party’s manifesto. In addition to some of the plans outlined by Ali, Phillips said, the manifesto speaks about the PPP/C’s plan to redistribute the $10,000 cash grant, which will be incrementally raised to $50,000 over five years.
Additionally, he said there will also be free education from nursery to tertiary, something which President of Guyana and Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger had talked about constantly. President Granger promised to make this a reality if the coalition wins the elections. Phillips, however, accused the coalition government of “spreading false hope,” noting that they gave persons a “bitter lie” and not a “better life.” “We will restart development in an even manner throughout Guyana…there is no alternative to the PPP/C,” said Phillips, noting that development will be a possibility in a secure Guyana.
Phillips promised to strengthen the security forces by creating anti-crime and security policies, which will contribute to safer communities. Also speaking at the rally were General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo and Anil Nandlall.