THE Public Relations arm of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Judiciary recently completed a two-day training on producing compelling photographs and videos for use in print media, social media and promotional materials.
The programme was conducted by Justice Education Society (JES).
Participants included GPF Public Relations and Press Officers, Superintendent, Jairam Ramlakhan and his Deputy, Cadet Officer, Ike Grandison; Director of Public Prosecutions, Communications Officer, Liz Rahaman; and Guyana Judiciary Communications & Protocol Officer, Jonelle Fields.
The course commenced on Monday, February 10 at the Officers’ Training Centre, Camp Street, Georgetown.
Training was conducted by JES expert, Stephen Herman, who is a civil lawyer and photographer/videographer and has been working with JES since 2010.
Herman is involved in filming documentaries and photos of JES’ international work in countries such Vietnam, Ethiopia and Central America.
Also present throughout the training were JES Project Director, Evelyn Neaman; Project Manager, Galina Sergeeva and JES Country Representative, Rolinda Kirton.
The sessions consisted of classroom training which covered in-depth aspects of photography such as camera orientation, angle, depth of field, lighting and composition to name a few, as well as practical photo shooting sessions which helped the participants to shoot and produce more compelling photographs.
Press Officer, Superintendent Jairam Ramlakhan, said great videos and photos grab the attention of the audience and give a fantastic first impression along with a unique story.
He explained that while photography remains important, digital videography is on the rise and it is being fuelled by important developments in video camera technologies.
The superintendent noted that video can produce versatile and engaging content format that not only gives a real-life picture of what is going on, but it is also easy to share across multiple platforms.
As such, he noted that photographic and video content is also easy to digest, entertaining and engaging and if done correctly, can assist law enforcement in promoting their messages.