PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Feb. 9, CMC – The cruise vessel, the MV Caribbean Princess which was scheduled to arrive here on Monday has been denied entry due to an outbreak of gastroenteritis onboard the vessel.
The cruise ship carrying over 3000 passengers and a 1000 member crew was also denied approval to berth at the Bridgetown Port, by the Government of Barbados.
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has also confirmed the presence of “a significant outbreak” of gastroenteritis on the ship. According to the Ministry of Health, officials have been in constant contact with the CARPHA, which monitored the passage of this vessel as it journeyed towards Trinidad and Tobago, and provided initial notification and updates on the outbreak of gastroenteritis to the relevant authorities. The Ministry has also been in continued contact with other stakeholders, including the Ministry of National Security and the agent for the vessel.
“ Based on the information confirmed, the Ministry of Health took the decision to deny entry to the MV Caribbean Princess,” the Health Ministry said in a statement.
This decision is in keeping with the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and according Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, “was taken as a precautionary measure to protect the Trinidad and Tobago population”. The Ministry of Health also reaffirmed that “thus far there have been NO suspected or confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus in Trinidad and Tobago.”