FOLLOWING the successful completion of two complex surgical procedures, one of which was done for the first time, the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC) has now placed on record that it is well on its way to conducting advanced surgeries.
A complete vaginal hysterectomy was performed by Cuban Gynecologist Specialists: Dr. Marlenis Esteris Plutin, and Dr. Yanara Salas. They were assisted by Guyanese General Medical Officer (GMO), Dr. Faith London, and anesthesiologist, Marlievys Naranjo.
While it is common for hysterectomies to be performed on women suffering various gynecological conditions, such as uterine cervical elongation, uterine prolapse or uterine fibroids, the patient on which the procedure was performed suffered from all three of the above, thus there was need for a complete vaginal hysterectomy.
Public Relations Officer of LHC, Toshanna Allicock, related that the patient is 46 years old and has been suffering from the above conditions for four years. Her symptoms began to worsen over time, leading to several episodes of anemia and urinary incontinence. Rather than to refer her to the Georgetown Public Hospital or a private hospital, where there may be advanced surgical equipment to deal with it, the Cuban Specialists at the LHC, took a decision to take her under their management.
The surgery took approximately two hours and was deemed successful, since it was free of complications. The patient is now has the chance to experience a better quality of life.
In the second instance, Consultant Dr. Li Quing, of the 15th China Medical Brigade, conducted a Caesarian Section and an appendectomy surgery simultaneously, utilising a combined spinal and epidural anesthesia (CSEA), for the first time in the hospital’s history.
Dr. Li Quing related, “at the LHC, this kind of operation is usually performed under half body aesthesia (single spinal anesthesia), but the maintenance time of this type is limited. The patient needed emergency C-Section to be performed simultaneously with an appendectomy. The operation time is longer.”
While the technique is known to be conducted in China and other medically-developed countries, Quing said he is happy to have conducted the procedures for the first time at LHC and that it was done while the patient was awake and felt no pain during the entire process.
PRO Allicock related that the patient did testify that she did not feel any pain until two days after, and what she did feel was bearable. She also related that due to the appropriate concentration of drugs added to the extradural cavity, it did not affect the motor function of the lower limbs at the same time, as is normally the case with the single spine anesthesia. The patient was also able to breast feed her baby.
“Because no intravenous or muscle analgesic drugs were added, it did not affect the breastfeeding of the baby. These are moments that demonstrate the level of care that we have for our patients. It is always a proud moment when our teams can work together to successfully perform such tasks to ensure the mission statement of the hospital is manifested.”