Dear Editor,
I RECENTLY lost my son, Ryan Taylor, a geologist who was employed by Troy Resources. He was working the night shift (6 am to 6pm) at Hicks Pitt in Region Seven on October 8, 2019, when the incident occurred. He was on duty.
I raised my son on my own from a tender age: Four months. Our life was no easy one, and this resulted in him leaving school at a young age to assist with the household. My son had worked at several companies before Troy Resources to ensure he was capable of taking care of his responsibilities. He leaves to mourn three young children (aged five, eight, and 12), his siblings, grandmother, myself and other family and friends. It breaks my heart to know that the children that he worked tirelessly under dangerous, strenuous, demeaning and deplorable conditions to care for to the best of his ability are now without the dad they have grown used to.
He had constantly complained about the unacceptable and ridiculous conditions that they were forced to work under. These are the conditions that our locals are working under with some foreign companies, namely Troy Resources. It was said to me that my son was outspoken, and that at several meetings, he would lament on these conditions to those who were in charge, and nothing was ever done to remedy the conditions. He was the one that had to die, simply because he wanted to legally earn a dollar to take care of his family and loved ones. My son had been a law-abiding citizen all the days of his life, and I beg for an investigation into his death. I do think I deserve that much as a citizen of Guyana.
It was reported to me that on the morning of his death, he was removed from one site that he was working at and then taken to this new site (Hicks Pitt). While there with his supervisors awaiting further instructions, he mentioned to the supervisors that the wall that they were on felt as though it was shaking. And before he could have said anything else, the wall collapsed, and he was covered. His brother, who was also employed with Troy Resources, was never asked to work an extra day before. However, at this time, he was asked to work an extra day. On this day, he was awaken to the news of his brother’s death. He was asked to bring his lifeless body out from the mine. When we looked at the videos and pictures, we have observed that the area my son was taken to work was poorly lit. Employees also said that there was only one step in the pit, and for the height of the wall, at least two steps should have been there. This alone tells us that the company was negligent. This ordeal does not sit well with my family and I. When we enquired about an official report on the alleged accident, we were told that it is not ready. It has been two months since this incident occurred. Again, my family and I wish for a thorough investigation to be carried out. We would greatly appreciate this. I do believe we deserve this much as Guyanese citizens.
I have been lenient with Troy Resources. I have reached out to them on several occasions for answers into my son’s death, and also for them to discuss how they plan to assist us through compensation. And to this day, I have not been given a word as to when and what they plan to do. They, Troy Resources, would have assisted with his burial. However, this death was sudden and unexpected. None of us was prepared for this neither emotionally nor financially. I am now frustrated, as the bills and other expenses are overwhelming, and I am finding it extremely difficult to cope. His children and I have lost a major support from our lives, and it seems as though we have been forgotten. I met with the CEO of the company, Ken Nelson, on November 8, 2019, and he has promised to intervene and come to a settlement, but to date, I have heard nothing from him. Whenever I call the company, I am being told by the Human Resources Manager that she cannot give any answers, since she has not received any word from Mr. Nelson.
I am now a tired and frustrated citizen of Guyana. I feel as though I have been cheated of what I rightfully deserve. This ordeal is just way more than I have expected it to be. I am kindly asking you to assist my family and I as we fight this battle for justice to be served for the late Ryan Arthur Taylor, only 33 years old when he died. A father that was vibrant and full of energy and potential, a law-abiding and role model citizen. A kind-hearted and willing son that stood out from many others. We have grieved in silence for far too long, and the time has now come for us to speak up and be heard, for we are being taken advantage of. Please assist us as we plead for justice to be served.
June Ann Taylor
Mother of the late Ryan Arthur Taylor