WE are celebrating the last Sunday in 2020 and I have a great feeling of optimism about the future. It is the season of love, restoration, reflection and for me – consuming a lot of cake lol. I am a cake lover and had the best black cake this year from Pritipaul, head chef from Tower Suites. He is a great chef and his desserts are AWESOME. He deposits lots of love in all his cuisine which makes it special. Talking about love in the season of LOVE, when I witness people displaying love and care always make me happy and it makes the world a better place. More of my friends and colleagues are requesting to join me on my hospital visits.

Last Sunday was emotional because one of the patients who I frequently visit passed away. My family became close to this man who we met because he was on the bed next to my brother when he died. Unfortunately, his family brought him into the hospital after a stroke and never came back so he resided for five years there. Recently he told me he wanted Chinese fried rice and I watched him open the box and the expression on his face was priceless. I would drop in just to check on him so seeing the bed empty and learning of his passing was extremely sad. To think that he was deserted for all these years and I was not even sure of the burial he had. I also visited my favourite ward which is the Children’s ward. I made some great friends with kids over the years in this ward. I always engage the moms because I was there feeling helpless with my first daughter who was there when she was just one year six months and my story inspired many.

It is always good to inspire and be inspired and my final event did just that. SCALET –An Evening of Inspiration at Towers Suites. I was motivated to host this event because the persons who did the programme read my book LIVING WITH INTENTION. The dress code was red. Red is the colour of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense colour. It was an evening I will never forget and from the feedback, I am not the only one. I went through over 300 pictures taken by Cleveland from Eclipse. If one photo tells 1,000 words just do the calculation. I have so much love and admiration for the ladies in the pics because they beat the odds and persevered. Most people in the room did not know each other but in those few hours, anyone looking at it would think it was years of friendship. One thing that stood out is people feel they were in a safe space so they can share their journeys without someone judging them. It was the perfect environment to UNMASK and offload some weight we have been carrying around. “ I hated myself for years so much so that I could not even looking myself in the mirror but after going through the Living With Intention programme I had a mindset shift and now I am learning how to love me,” said a stunning young lady. I have seen the reviews on Amazon for Living with Intention but hearing the many testimonies that evening reminded me why I wrote this book. A testimony that got me emotional came from the youngest person in the room. Her mother died five years ago and she got disconnected from god but because of the Living with Intention programme, she is now reconnected with God. I feel convicted to share my experience of when I exhibited my faith and the results. It is a good feeling even if it is one person that benefitted as a result of crossing your path.

One thing that we all had in common at the end of that evening is for this new decade we all will be living a life with intention and encouraging many people to do the same. Thank you to Tower Suites and Keisha Phillips for contributing to a life-changing evening.

Let’s speak positive things into our lives and everyone we encounter. The tongue was given to us like a tree of life thus we need to use our tongue to speak faith and not fear. The next programme commences in January and you can email if you are interested.

We are not just embarking on a new year but a new decade that awaits us with endless possibilities.

Let us continue to deposit greatness into each other’s lives as we continue to celebrate this beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.

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