Response to first oil announcement…Many are playing it safe
Meshonn Persaud (Photos by Vishani Ragobeer)
Meshonn Persaud (Photos by Vishani Ragobeer)

– hoping that good sense will prevail

PRESIDENT Granger’s announcement on Friday that the long-awaited production of first oil has already begun, has aroused tons of excitement in people all across the country, and in the Diaspora as well.

Many are hoping that theirs as well as the lives of their families will take a turn for the better when the oil money really starts to pump into Guyana’s economy. Many are concerned, too, about the possible negative effects that can occur.

Special Dazzell

The Guyana Chronicle spoke with a few people on Sunday while they were doing their Christmas shopping at the Giftland Mall, and varying sentiments and concerns were shared.
Special Dazzell, who’s still at university, said she believes the persons in charge should focus more on the good of the country.

“I wish that the oil wouldn’t spark such political power grab. I think people should really focus on the good of the country, and not just who’s going to be in power when this oil comes into the country, and so on. I think they should focus on making the country great overall, and not just lining their pockets when this oil money comes,” she said.
“I just hope we don’t focus solely on oil, and depend on it too much, because if it goes, what do we have left? Take the country’s long term well-being into consideration when making decisions.”

Gerald Griffith, another university student, said that his expectations are not yet high.
“The oil expectations for me are very low right now,” he said, “because of the looming elections. I’m not sure who is going to come out on top, and what policies they’re currently making. I’m hearing a lot of people talking about giving everybody some money from it, but that’s not a good idea. A Sovereign Wealth Fund is usually the best step forward.

Maybe they should look at countries that have an intricate Sovereign Wealth Fund that they use for oil, and maybe pattern off of it. So until I see stuff like that, my hopes ain’t too high for oil. Because, if we haven’t managed gold well, bauxite, rice nor sugar, we gon manage oil all of a sudden?”

Stacey Paul, who works in the agriculture sector, said she hopes that money will be invested in her industry.

Stacey Paul

“I hope that there is improvement in the job sector here in Guyana, because there are a lot of youths who are unemployed. Also in the agriculture sector, since I am in that field. I’m hoping that there would be more opportunities, so that we can explore more in the modern agriculture aspect… I hope also for more roads, because we see a lot of accidents happening. Roads might not be the main cause of it, but having more roads within Guyana, because there are a lot of vehicles, I think might decrease some of the accidents happening here currently,” she said.

Meanwhile, Johannah Reyes, a young Trinidadian currently residing here, said that she knows only too well what can happen in the absence of proper management and a fair deal.

“Well, I’m from Trinidad, and we have oil and gas at the moment. And there have been some positive things, but there have also been some drawbacks, especially with regards to the environment, and also in the economic part of it. We haven’t necessarily benefited as much because of the fact that these oil companies were foreign. So I hope that Guyana has taken all that into consideration; that these foreign oil companies don’t necessarily have the best interest of the country at heart. And I hope they make the necessary provisions to ensure that in this case, Exxon does. Money is great, once they have a fair arrangement with Exxon, instead of the more predatory deals that have been brokered, whereby the country benefits very little and the company benefits a lot. Once the deal is different from that, then it should be good,” Johannah said.

Gerald Griffith

Meshonn Persaud, who is studying law, said: “My hope is that Guyana doesn’t do what Venezuela did; they accumulated so much wealth, and then at the end of the day, they became a failed State in terms of they don’t use their resources to the betterment of their country, but for their own political gains.

Also, I hope that it indirectly affects everyone positively, and not negatively, because, when it comes to oil, we all know, especially dealing with foreign investors, we don’t know exactly what we’re getting into. Being that this is a first time, I do think that they need to tread lightly. And everyone needs to stop thinking that we have oil now, and we’re better than everybody. We need to see how best we can better our country; build Guyana, and secure a safe, stable State for our future generations.”

Natalie Millington, who’s a teacher, said, “I’m happy and proud that Guyana’s economic prospects can be better. I hope Guyanese do benefit from the sale of the oil, and that Guyana can really develop education and healthcare, because I think healthcare in Guyana is pretty poor. So a lot of investment should be placed there.

And, seeing that I’m a teacher, I would love to see teachers get a better pay; a living wage. I hope ordinary Guyanese can benefit and not politicians and people who are already rich.”

Kissoon Singh, a middle-aged father, said he is hoping for only the best for Guyana and its people.

Joannah Reyes

“We want the country to move forward in a positive way with the oil found,” he said, adding: “Our people should benefit in a meaningful way, as our President stated that he will set up this fund for all to benefit. And we’re happy about that. We want our country to move forward in a positive way; our infrastructure the medical aspect, education… Let’s put the money to positive use, and let’s all benefit together.”

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