AS THE only child growing up, my Christmases were filled with presents (I was quite spoilt). Sometimes, every other day was seen as Christmas for me because I received toys and presents from my parents all year round. At the same time, my parents made me aware of the many children who spent Christmas without receiving toys. I would always donate my toys to those in need when I stop using them (in good condition of course). My mother explained to me that the most exciting presents she and her siblings would receive is a whole chicken by their grandparents that would be used to make a Christmas day feast for them all. Poverty is quite real and there is no denying that fact. Many parents have feel as if they are not doing a good job at parenting because of the mere fact that they cannot afford to buy the present that their child has been pleading to have for the past year. Some children would feel sad because they might believe in ‘Santa Claus’ and they wake up to an empty stocking.
Gift/present-giving first originated from the story of the three wise men. The three wise men traveled by following the north-star and took gifts to the new born King; Jesus Christ. Europe eventually adopted the idea and during the holiday season, gifts were exchanged between the different social classes. Eventually, in the 1800s, the United States introduced the idea/story of Santa Claus. Thus, it started an era of marketing presents/ gift-giving and Christmas. The idea was switched from lower classes to now children receiving presents if they’re on the ‘nice list’ of an old man in a red suit.
My younger self would be very angry at me and my propositions on this topic but I guess that’s the point of life, right? As we grow and gain new experiences, our perspectives on topics change. To answer the question, “Would Christmas be the same without presents?”—I’d personally say that I really do think Christmas would be the same, UNLESS if your idea of Christmas is only about the presents. For me, Christmas is a time for giving and being compassionate to friends, families, those in need and most importantly, ourselves. For many Christians, it marks a special time of the calendar; where their savior was born. They open their arms to those in need, celebrate by hosting dinners, socials and concerts and they decorate their houses with beautiful lights and Christmas décor. Many people also see Christmas as the focal point of celebrating after having a successful life.
In my opinion, material presents and gifts are just a bonus to this joyous holiday. To think of it, what exactly do we call ‘gifts’ and ‘presents’? Similar to my mother in her younger days, a present is not only something you receive wrapped up under your tree. Being surrounded by the ones you love can be considered a gift. Perhaps, it’s the gratitude to your God and the universe for health and strength, or the Christmas dinner that your mother will cook for the family? It depends on your perspective and the way you value life and the things you receive. Unlike my younger self, I do not really ask my parents for much for Christmas. In fact, I get them appreciation gifts as a way of repayment for all of the things they’ve done for me throughout the year. I am not saying gift-giving is a bad thing or we shouldn’t give gifts to persons on Christmas. All I am trying to say is that the meaning of Christmas extends beyond what’s under a tree and with or without gifts—Christmas would still be the cheerful and meaningful holiday we know. With that said, a Merry Christmas to all of you who’re reading this and don’t forget to enjoy the best gift you can ever receive—making memories and spending time with those you love and most importantly; who loves you.