FORMER senior national Umpire Dasroy Balgobin is spearheading an effort to resuscitate the dormant Essequibo Coast and Pomeroon Umpires Association (ECPUA) with the aim of securing more qualified umpires from the Region to officiate both locally and nationally.
The highly regarded umpire, who also officiated in matches in North America, is of the view that with a vibrant organisation, more persons will become interested in the profession. Balgobin further contended that “on the Essequibo Coast, most of the organised matches are affected due to the lack of qualified umpires and this is affecting the standard of the sport there”.
He has since set out to mobilise a pool of interested persons to begin the process of reconstituting the organisation and to commence classes for the preliminary umpires’ examination next year.
Meanwhile, national senior umpire Shannon Crawford, who is based in Essequibo and is attached to the Anna Regina Fire Station, has indicated his interest to support the initiative and has pledged to provide his expertise both in theory along with practical training.
The ECPUA is currently headed by Deva Dass, but the organisation has not held a statutory AGM for the past three years. Balgobin is appealing to anyone desirous of being an umpire to contact him on 626-1112 for more information. (Elroy Stephney)