BURGLARS, on Tuesday, broke and enter the home of an 80-year-old woman, Irene Sukhoo of Auchlyne Village, who was overseas at the time.
The caretaker of the home, Bishanie Jaigobin called “Sunita”, 51, said she was tasked with overlooking the premises while the owner went to seek medical treatment.
Jaigobin related that she is doing some work at her home at Lancaster Village and did not sleep at Sukhoo’s home for the past few days.
However, when she visited on Tuesday, she noticed that something was amiss.
On entering the house, Jaigobin said she saw the entire lower-flat in disarray and a barrel that the owner’s daughter had sent and asked not to be opened until the elderly woman retuned was opened and the contents emptied outside.
The upper-flat of the house was also ransacked. The perpetrators gained access into the house by cutting an opening in the zinc roof.
Thus far, a microwave and utensils were reported stolen from the barrel.
Meanwhile, Jaigobin expressed dissatisfaction that the police were yet to visit the scene even though a report was made. However, the Guyana Chronicle was informed officers did visit the premises but no one was at home.