– prime minister tells Canadian forum
“WHETHER you are Guyanese or Guyanese-Canadian, whether you are an investor or a potential investor from any other country or organisation, our country has potential.”
Prime Minister, Hon. Moses Nagamootoo, made this declaration at a reception, hosted in his honour, by the Toronto West End Group,

The prime minister was at the time updating the gathering of Guyanese-Canadians, Canadians and potential investors of the strides Guyana is making in all sectors.
“Guyana has come out of many years of travail, many years of difficulties and is the centre of attraction as the new oil hierarchy in the Caribbean,” Prime Minister Nagamootoo stated.
He highlighted the recent achievements of the STEMGuyana team at the recently held First Global Robotics competition in Dubai; the positive steps in education – Guyana’s recent top performance at the examinations offered by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC); the infrastructural developments that are ongoing; and the ICT hubs that were recently opened in the hinterland areas, among others.
Also updating the gathering on the political climate in Guyana, Prime Minister Nagamootoo noted that the government is alive and is well and continues to be the government of all the people of Guyana.
“Its legitimacy derives from the people who voted it into office,” he underscored.
The country, the prime minister articulated, “has been making strides, making progress forward and we are confident that the leadership that was provided to the country in the last 4 ½ years, had it not been for the disruption caused politically with an event that came suddenly and created a pause in the development pace of the country, we would have been further ahead than I am reporting to you tonight.”
The prime minister also noted that the coalition’s track record in office would stand the test of time and see them re-elected for a second term to complete the transformation started during its tenure.
“In early 2020 – March 2 – there will be new elections and the good news is based on its track record in the last four- and three-quarter years. The coalition which is the APNU+AFC, is on the road to return to office for a second term,” the prime minister confidently stated. (DPI)