Dear Editor,
NOTE is taken of Lincoln Lewis’s letter: ‘We must take note of Jagdeo’s orchestrated destabilising campaign”, Guyana Chronicle, October 28, 2019, particularly the description of “destabilising’’ with which there is full concurrence, since this has been precisely the leader of the opposition Bharrat Jagdeo’s aim, which he commenced just after the coming to office of the newly- elected President David Granger’s administration in 2015.
In fact, it is a situation which had been unhesitatingly described and pointed out in several letters by various writers, sent to the media, as early as October 2017, for, by then, a very clear pattern had already emerged, with all the major players clearly identified in the plot to create social crisis. And as the plot continued to unfold, it was clear that this was not about the coalition government’s performance record in office, as falsely and fraudulently culminated in the hoax of the NCM, the ensuing results of which was to evidence the most outrageous acts of political distortions of the CCJ’s decisions that pertained to the many challenges pertaining to the NCM over which it had to adjudicate.
Editor, this period of Guyana’s history will be known as one that has laid bare the full extent of this nation’s political dishonesty, as exemplified by the frightening political immorality, daily on display from the vested interest groups which, in every respect, have been the ugly faces of Jagdeo and the PPP/C machinery of lies, misinformation, deception and bullyism. This is Jagdeo’s scripted strategy that is a recipe for exacerbating social tensions, while accusing the government of not adhering to the Constitution. This is dishonesty that is unparalleled anywhere, especially within the pages of modern Caribbean politics.
One must always applaud the outspoken Lincoln Lewis for his non-partisan insistence that both sides of the political divide adhere to their constitutional responsibilities. But by now, he must have come to the conclusion, as outspokenly underlined in his above-quoted letter, that Jagdeo is not interested in being accountable in any such constitutional requirement, such as returning to the National Assembly, along with the government to give constitutional sanction to the March 2020 national elections.
And while asking “those in the media… to help the nation in doing so’, meaning, to support the nation in imploring the leader of the opposition to fulfil his constitutional responsibilities, is again, the right thing to do, given what should be the pivotal role of the Fourth Estate in the affairs of any State. This call will not be answered by some media houses that have continued to be shamelessly partisan while being the PR mouthpiece of Jagdeo’s national mosaic of dangerous mischief.
In fact, sections of the private media have become the sanctuary of varied types of political scoundrels and mercenaries whose unmatchable lies are what feed Jagdeo’s programme of attempts at destabilisation. And it is dangerous, for such a devious strategy is definitely one which cannot provide solutions to the extant challenges.
It is further amazing that one can read some of the most unspeakable political luridness that is as shocking for its conveyance of criminal distortions from well-known Guyanese who once held the moral high ground, but whose moral consciences have been sold for a pint of promised oil; some discredited PPP/C politicians whose only recourse to resurrecting their dishonest political careers are reckless lies that are an insult to even their supporters; and vested interests who are hell bent is seeing a revert to the old order of State criminalisation from which they have benefitted.
Therefore, one must agree that any media that aids and abets an opposition leader in his continuous mission of national deception, whose pages, newscasts, programmes do not any longer counter fake news and lies by fact checks/editor’s notes, is a very significant part of the problem of a very dishonest leader of the opposition and his cabal of plotters, and cannot in any way be integral of an honest rebuke/reprimand, or be part of a national conversation, or of assistance to the nation.
Earl Hamilton