$19M skills-training resource centre commissioned in Berbice
An agro-processor explains her products to Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Valerie Adams-Yearwood and others at the Skills-Training Resource Centre
An agro-processor explains her products to Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Valerie Adams-Yearwood and others at the Skills-Training Resource Centre

THE Saint Francis Community Developers (SFCD), in collaboration with the People and Government of Japan, through its Grant Assistance For Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP), on Thursday, commissioned the first of its kind Skills Training Resource Centre at the SFCD compound in Portuguese Quarter, Port Mourant, East Berbice, Corentyne.

The spanking new facility was built at the cost of $19,240,000 with funding from Japan. The facility will place emphasis on job readiness, skills training, responsive education, job creation, value-added products, sustainability for livelihood and small business development.

These objectives will be achieved through collaboration with various stakeholders and partners especially the Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) Agro-Processing Facilities, United Nations- Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Guyana and Friends of Saint Francis with support from Food for the Poor Guyana Inc.

Second Secretary Embassy of Japan Toshihide Kanaya, Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Valerie Adams-Yearwood along with President of St. Francis Alex Foster as well as supporting partners cut the ribbon

Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Valerie Adams-Yearwood, while addressing the audience, expressed gratitude to the Government of Japan for recognising the potential and promise of Guyana’s agro-processing industry by building such a facility and that the programme is in keeping with the government’s vision for the sector.

She noted that the Agro-Processing business is a multi-million-dollar industry and, with Guyana making great progress to reduce food wastage, agro-processing continues to play a major role in the efforts to cut back on spoilage. The industry had grown tremendously, over the past four years, contributing greatly to Guyana’s annual GDP. “The Ministry of Agriculture has been advocating for the development of the sector by offering technical support through the Guyana School of Agriculture and the New Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) to new and seasoned agro- processors to ensure their products are of standard where they can compete on the local, regional and International market.”

She noted that the government, in following the vision of his Excellency David Granger for the Agricultural sector, provided equipment and software to the GSA and GMC respectively in 2017. The equipment to the GSA helped boost the institution’s agro-processing and commercial production and serves as a model for many to follow. While the software and technology provided to the GMC helped that organization to launch the Agro-processors’ catalogue which is a database of the locally-produced items and contact information of the manufacturers. Further, the technology allows the GMC to give technical assistance in providing nutritional value tables which she noted was a requirement by the Guyana Bureau of Standards for export.

The Skills-Training Resource Centre

She also used the opportunity to call on the private sector to invest into the industry as it serves a catalyst for growth in the non-traditional agriculture sector. The junior agriculture minister noted that, over the past five years, agro-processing experienced significant growth as well as an increase in prepared food market which is being undertaken mainly by youths.

The minister continued that, with the investment in production, facilities, quality assurance and processing, non-traditional agriculture is positioned into becoming an engine of export growth. The investment, she said, would not only make the investors lots of money but would also be helping to push youth development, entrepreneurship and develop Guyana’s economy.

The Second Secretary to the Embassy of Japan, Mr. Toshihide Kanaya, in his brief remarks, said the project was a representation of the harmonious partnership the two nations share with each other. He reiterated that partnerships were essential for growth and pledged the continued support of his nation to the people of Guyana and SFCD. In closing he asked that residents make full use of the Centre so that it can have the desired impact of elevating their lives as he was confident that SFCD will meet the needs of the people and make the project a success.

President of SFCD, Alex Foster, while delivering remarks, said the organization was grateful to the people and government of Japan for supporting the development of its vision for an empowered and sustainable environment which will empower youths for work while offering a model for replication across Guyana.

“The need for this venture became visible and critical for the development of economic growth when St. Francis expanded its mandate in the agriculture field. The goal, with the support from Food for the Poor, is to support the largest source of employment for residents in the Region by offering technical support, equipment, modern techniques to solve traditional challenges that plague farmers daily, opportunities for youth participation while offering other avenues of income through the creation of by-products”.

He stressed that the establishment of the Centre would add value to products so that farmers can be able to make their own finished product in the event of surplus and reduced demands. Produce would not have to be sold below production cost, to go to waste or spoil, or left in the field to be destroyed. It was a win-win situation for all involved.

The upper flat of the two-storey building will host a showroom/marketing center, storage room, packaging department, labelling center, preparation and teaching space, while the bottom floor will accommodate the staff room, cooking area, preparation area, weighing and receiving center, among others. A number of collaborating partners were also present at the commissioning ceremony.

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