…Min Cummings tells NY meeting internal, external forces seeking to
stymie Guyana’s progress
…says economy will be significantly accelerated when oil begins to flow
MINISTER of Foreign Affairs, the Honorable Dr. Karen Cummings, has warned against the rising number of internal and external forces that are seeking to prevent progress in Guyana.
Addressing a sizeable crowd of overseas-based Guyanese on the sidelines of the 74th Session the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York Thursday evening, Minister Cummings said the oil boom about to flood Guyana is causing many internal and external forces to become “envious and sceptical of the country’s progress and prospects.”
“When you see local and international actors behaving in a particular way, you must understand what is inspiring them. In return, as never before, we must be strong in our defence of Guyana. Be informed. Avoid fake news. Be vigilant, be involved.
We must be patriots as never before. Don’t give way to scepticism, or tribalism, but rise above these challenges that would detract from the journey of destiny on which we embark,” Minister Cummings told the diaspora at the Medgar Evers College, in Brooklyn.
She said the transformation that has been sweeping across Guyana since the coalition took office, will be significantly accelerated as the nation benefits from the lucrative rewards of the vast natural resources. Since taking office in 2015, the coalition administration has overseen 16 world-class oil deposits by US oil and gas major ExxonMobil and most recently United Kingdom-based, Tullow Oil.
The minister said Guyana is on the rise, and for the nation to achieve its full potential, it must have leadership that is accountable, fair, transparent and responsible. “With great prosperity comes great responsibility. It is imperative that astute political leadership firmly rooted in integrity, the rule-of-law, good governance and accountability prevails.” She said Guyanese will witness a new and prosperous Guyana – one where their children and grandchildren will enjoy into the future. In that vein, she urged the diaspora to “continue your strong and unwavering support of the APNU/AFC coalition and let prosperity, development, unity and harmony continue.”
Minister Cummings reminded that the coalition stands ready to contest the next general and regional elections after a “clean list” is established. The Guyanese people, she said will be the judge after all that has taken place over the last four years under the leadership of His Excellency, President David Granger. She told the diaspora that they have an important role to play. “As Guyanese living here in the US, many of you have a great interest in what is taking place in Guyana. I recognise that all of you want to see Guyana live up to its potential so that your relatives back home can enjoy the good life.”
She said the Guyanese diaspora around the world is motivated by several factors. She saluted their unfailing efforts to give back to the country they once called home. “We will continue to focus on ways to strategically engage the Guyanese diaspora, to leverage development finance through remittances, foreign direct investments, and even philanthropy. The minister addressed a host of concerns raised by the diaspora, including registration, cash transfer from the oil-wealth fund, the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy among others. (DPI)