THIRTY-FIVE children of Patentia, West Bank Demerara, were surprised with back-to-school items from ‘For the Soul Guyana’, through an outreach on Saturday.
The children were presented with stationery items, bookbags and more, to equip them for the new academic year. They were also engaged in conversation with the members of For the Soul Guyana, who took the opportunity to give motivational words to the children.
Founder of the organisation, Tianna Graham, told the Guyana Chronicle that this is the organisation’s first project since the official launch in August, 2019.
The aim of this project, she said, “was to create an open and accepting environment, a space where children feel appreciated, motivated, and can express themselves honestly, authentically, without fear of judgement.”
Patentia was the chosen community, Graham pointed out, “because when people or organisations do these types of outreach and drives, much emphasis is placed on Georgetown. We don’t really hear persons coming to Patentia and these other far-flung communities, so that’s why we chose to assist those on the West Bank.”
Through the support of Sol Guyana and Giftland Mall, the parents of these children were relieved of the expense of providing these school items.
Graham said though the organisation is relatively new, these projects are what they are setting out to align themselves with. She said, too, that they are looking to do a food-drive in December as their next activity.
Giving an insight on the organisation, the young woman said that they are a non-governmental organisation that aims to foster and develop increased learning and development, in the empowerment of youths.
“This will be done through encouraging and supporting them to contribute, steer activities and lead their own ‘Soul sessions’ projects. Though most of the work is voluntary, special emphasis is placed on the training of young people to become peer educators, counsellors, social activists, and youth leaders,” Graham said.
She said that while the movement was founded by her, “it is led by a cadre of young professionals with the desire to better the development of women’s rights and the eradication of gender-based biases. We fully believe in and support the advancement of Gender Equality, Social Education and equipping young people with the necessary skills and attitudes that may be considered an asset on their journey to become youth leaders.”
Thus far, there are 18 members in the organisation, divided into different sub-committees dealing with different projects.