Dear Editor,
FOR all of the PPP/C’s attempts to raise the barometer on the continuing impasse that is as a result of the NCM, where its tactic, disingenuous in every way, has been to distort and mislead, engaging traditional- style propaganda to be repeated often for the end-result of an apparent truth – the High Court ruling on both the constitutionality of the house-to-house registration, and the demands for elections to be held in September, have finally been exposed and shot down.
Their attempts at high political spin, mixed with the traditional brand of bullyism, have now been held high for public scrutiny.
Editor, one may recall this party’s lead counsel, Anil Nandlall, making what had been a demand of the Chief Justice that she did what he said that the CCJ failed to do, and ought to have done: Make coercive orders. It was the strangest request that could have ever be made of a lower court, asking that it overturn the decision of a higher court.
It was a clear case of procedural heresy for any such demand, for such is what Nandlall’s submission had been. Apart from the fact that it was procedurally perverse, it was also a glaring disrespect for the CCJ’S decision, particularly understanding clearly well that such orders that Nandlall et al wanted would have meant entering the political domain of Guyanese politics, thus breaching the lines of the Separation of Powers. Besides, this matter would have already been settled by the nation’s highest court.
Further, it was not to be expected that a reasonable court would have ruled otherwise on the constitutionality of the house-to-house registration exercise, now at an advanced stage. Any Guyanese au fait with the Registration Act would have known that it gives legal effect to this very important prerequisite for national and regional elections, therefore it was most unreasonable for any such application to render it unconstitutional. Obviously, Lenox Shuman’s party, now being apprised of this judgement, should now decide to withdraw its case.
One is left to wonder that there were so many PPP “constitutional experts’’ on these matters!
Carla Mendonca