Dear Editor,
The Editorial of Kaieteur news of Thursday, July 25, 2019 is a serious analysis and it is hoped that it gets the attention of leaders of our two main political parties.
The young people of Guyana are looking to the present leaders to take responsible actions to shape the future of our Dear Land of Guyana. Our Motto is ‘ One People, One Nation, One Destiny.’ We have to make every effort to make our motto a reality. It is not beyond us. I am in serious disagreement with the few Guyanese who have written off our nation. I have great faith in our young people, if we, the older ones don’t make the right moves, they would certainly take action.
It is my firm belief that the majority of Guyanese, from all races, religions, political parties and regions wish to have a break from the old political bickering. The hypothesis is that a vast majority of Guyanese would support the working together of the PPP and the APNU/AFC, in the formation of a national patriotic government, for a limited period of approximately five to seven years. Please refer to a letter in the Stabroek News of Friday, July 26, 2019 written by one of Guyana’s outstanding sons, Mr. Rashleigh E. Jackson. He stated that “A truce – a pause – may be helpful if it were to be used in our domestic politics in attenuating abrasiveness which we have endured for a prolonged period.” This would give us an opportunity to heal our nation. The work of such a government should be: 1. Preparation for the oil industry; 2. Crime and Security; 3. Educational Reform from nursery to university; 4. Revamping of our constitution;; and 5. Formulating a National Development Plan with an emphasis on modern agriculture and processing of farm produce.
I recall having the good fortune of listening to our late Economist, Dr. Kenneth King presenting a proposed national plan in the 70’s. It catered for every region, district and village in Guyana. Unfortunately I am not sure where that plan ended up. Lots of good work has been done already, from Burnham, Jagan and Hoyte. I know that our country has outstanding sons and daughters who are prepared to join forces to enable the paradigm shift that is urgently needed. Quoting Mr. Jackson again, “the boat may already have sprung its moorings and is heading inevitably to the rapids.” We will not go down. The young people of this land will save us. I have confidence that we have bright, patriotic children who would take action if President Granger and Mr. Jagdeo do not change course. I believe both of them are patriotic leaders. Now is the time for them to show it. Put the future of Guyana ahead of party politics.
Is it possible for the leaders of the PPP and the APNU/AFC to agree to ask the people of Guyana through a Referendum: Do you wish us to work together for the good of Guyana for a limited period? No or Yes. Mr. Editor it is my firm belief that the overwhelming response would be YES.
Charles Vandyke