Several Corentyne villages flooded following overnight rains 
A CDC official interacts with a resident whose house was flooded (CDC photo)
A CDC official interacts with a resident whose house was flooded (CDC photo)

– CDC monitoring situation

Residents of several villages along the Corentyne Coast were on Friday evening mopping up their homes following severe flooding in the area as a result of overnight rains.
The affected communities included the villages of Kilcoy/Chesney, Fyrish, Albion, Nigg, Williamsburg and Rose Hall Town.

The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) noted in a statement on Friday that the body is continuing to monitor floods in various parts of the country and is rendering assistance where necessary.

On Friday afternoon, a CDC team including members of the Voluntary Emergency Response Team (VERT, were deployed to assess the flood impacts in the East-Berbice Corentyne region.
A resident of Chesney Housing Scheme told the Guyana Chronicle he and his family were forced to leave their home since it was flooded out.

He said the heavy rainfall on Thursday night coupled with the no proper drainage saw his single-flat home being inundated.

One of the flooded yards

He stated that he suffered major loses including his electrical appliances such as his refrigerator and television set while his chair set was also damaged.
He noted that in the past the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) was asked to provide proper  drainage and regular clearing of the trenches , however, to  date the situation remain the same as he noted that the flooding on Friday was the worst the community experienced in recent times.

Residents from other communities explained that as the rain continued through the night on Thursday, the water levels rose sharply.
A resident of Belvedere, Monica Boochoon, stated that the flooding was mainly attributed due to poor drainage in the village.
She told the media that her daughter-in- law operates a day care at the bottom flat of the home and suffered substantial damages including learning materials and equipment which were destroyed.

The residents are calling on the relevant authorities to address the flooding and questioned who will compensate them for the damages suffered.
They are also calling on their respective NDCs to regularly maintain the drainage structure so as to avoid a flooding of the magnitude experienced on Friday. They also asked for a pump to be placed in the community to drain the water quickly.

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